Pars defect pain – rest is not the only answer
with Andreas Klein
The pars interarticularis ( part of the vertebral arch ) is one of two ( left or right ) bony bridges that connect the upper with the lower facet joints in a vertebra . A pars defect ( spondylolysis ) is a break or weakness ( see diagram ) in one or both bridges . It can be due to :
1 . a congenital abnormality ( present at birth ) called an ‘ attenuated pars ,’ or 2 . a stress fracture The main vertebrae affected are L5 ( 85 - 95 %), and L4 ( 5 – 15 %), but rarely higher lumbar vertebrae , and it can be diagnosed
with a plain X-ray , CT or MRI . Fifty – 81 per cent of people with spondylolysis end up with the bilateral fractures of the pars interarticularis , resulting in forward slippage ( spondylolisthesis ) of the vertebra .
Most pars defects are asymptomatic , but some present as lower back pain . Typically , when the patient stands on one leg and leans backwards , pain results . When the defect is on one side only , standing on the opposite leg elicits the pain . Pain typically gets worse with sports and better with rest .
About sic per cent of the general population have a pars defect .
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However , the injury is more common in adolescents participating in high-risk sports ( gymnastics , diving , weightlifting , wrestling , rowing , figure skating , dancing , volleyball , soccer , tennis ). Up to 30.4 per cent experience lower back pain , often due to a pars defect .
Healing of pars defects can occur but is more likely in early-stage cases ; no optimal treatment plan exists in the literature . Pain relief medications may be used but nonsteroidal antiinflammatory drugs ( NSAIDs ) should be avoided as they slow down bone growth and healing . Some authors state that ‘ only rest ’ can heal a pars defect , with acupuncture and massage having no
benefit , but this is incorrect .
Rest is vital , however , stiff lower back muscles increase the forces on vertebrae to which they are attached and so the likelihood of re-injury . Inflammation reduces the ability of tissue to heal . Muscle elongation therapy uses both dry needling techniques and specific muscle elongation techniques to address both these issues , and ( along with rest ) this helps many cases of long standing back pain associated with pars defects to become pain free and heal .
If you have unresolved pars defect related back pain , why not come talk to us at BHW ? See our ad for contact details .
“ After years of severe back pain I ’ m now enjoying golf , fully pain free and even started brick-laying again !” John Hasler , Glenmore Park
Andreas Klein Nutritionist & Remedial Therapist
BSc , Adv Dip Nut Med , DRM
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