Harmony in Marriage
Dadashri : Then if you quarrel with her, what will you do
if she kicks you out of the bed?
Questioner : I would sleep on the floor.
Dadashri : So keep oneness with her. If you quarrel
with your wife, and if you don’t keep oneness with her, then
with whom else will you maintain oneness with? What does
‘oneness’ mean? It means never to have discord. This is the
one person with whom you must decide not to have discord
with. You need to keep that much oneness. Have you ever kept
this kind of oneness?
Questioner : I have never thought like this before. This
is the first time I am thinking.
Dadashri : Yes, you will have to think, won’t you? God
too, did so much thinking and then attained moksha.
Talk to me! Let’s discuss everything so that you can
acquire solutions to your problems. It is due to a favorable
opportunity that you are here in front of me, so talk to me. Do
you have any objection to that? We all are one, but it is because
of your intellect that you feel a sense of separation. Your
intellect makes you perceive separation, but in reality, everything
is one. Humans have intellect that enables them to discriminate.
Is this intellect in operation where your wife is concerned?
Questioner : Yes that is what happens.
Dadashri : What causes this sense of separation with
your wife? The intellect causes it.
When a man and his wife both fight with a neighbour,
they unite against the neighbour. When you see both of them
raise their fists at the neighbour, you think, “Wow what unity,
what oneness! This couple is united.” However, when they go
back inside the house and they themselves fight, the husband