Harmony In Marriage Harmony In Marriage | Page 27

16 Harmony in Marriage Dadashri : Your wife may say, “You do not have an ounce of common sense!” Are you pleased by such a statement? Questioner : But then she also says, “I like no one but you.” Dadashri : Yes, she will say that too! Questioner : But people living together are bound to argue. Dadashri : How can you afford to accept arguments that occur every day? You have accepted this because you do not understand. Those who are aware of the real nature of this world would lose sleep even over a minor difference of opinion. Husbands and wives have vibrations. They emit vibrations even as they lay in bed thinking, “He is awkward, he is useless, he deserves to be thrown out!” Only living beings can emit vibrations. Those, which are not living, do not create vibrations. Without any understanding, people come to accept that discord is inevitable with married couples. You fool! Nobody has ever seen this Dada quarrel. Why all this noise? All this noise is ultimately harmful to only you. We ourselves are responsible for these conflicts. Is it ever someone else’s responsibility? If you bang your fists on the dinning table because your tea is not ready, who is in danger? Instead it is better to remain sitting like a dummy! If you get your cup of tea, it is good and well, but, if you do not get it, then just go to work. What’s wrong with doing that? Even a cup of tea has its timing does it not? Every event has a time and a place. This world is exact. Nothing happens outside the laws of nature. That is why I have said everything is ‘vyavasthit’ (event that occurs as a result of countless scientific circumstantial evidences coming together). When the time comes for you to get your tea, you will get your tea, regardless of your temper tantrums. You do not need to