Harmony in Marriage
that you will love each other. Everyone makes mistakes. What
is the point of quarrelling when mistakes occur? If you want to
fight, why don’t you do it with someone more powerful and
stronger, so that you will get your answer right away? Here you
will never get your answer. Both of you should remember,
“Dada has warned us about ruining our lives by quarrelling and
creating discord.”
Do not harbour any opinions, especially after marriage.
Why should there be any differences of opinion after marriage?
There will be no discord if you do not have an opinion. You
both got married, so how can you afford to have opinions that
are contrary?
Questioner : We should not, but it does happen.
Dadashri : So get rid of the differing opinions. Is it right
for you to keep differences? If so, you shouldn’t have married.
Since you did marry, you both should become one.
You don’t even know how to live life! You live a life filled
with so many worries. Are you single? “No, I am married,” one
may say. So despite having a wife your worries have not
stopped? Should your worries not be over? I have thought
about this very deeply. Should everyone not think about this
also? This world is so immense, yet these men believe that the
whole world is (fits) within their room. They simply do not see
how insignificant the fights within their home are, in comparison
to the size of this world. Even if they were to believe that their
room is their whole world, it would be fine but even there they
dominate and bully their wives.
Questioner : If two utensils clash, there will be some
noise, but eventually the noise will die down. Similarly, when
two people clash, they will argue, but eventually the arguing will