Harmony in Marriage
Dadashri : But how can peace prevail? For peace, you
have to understand dharma (religion, one’s duties, moral code
of conduct). You should tell everyone at home, “We are not
each other’s enemies; nobody has any quarrels with anyone.
There is no need to have differences of opinion. Let us share
with each other what we have and let us be happy.” That is how
you should think and do everything. You should never quarrel
with people at home. How can you quarrel with people you
have to share the same home with? Nobody has ever been
happy by making others miserable and we want to be happy by
giving happiness. We can only be happy if we make others
happy at home. You will be served a good cup of tea with a
smile, if you avoid conflicts with this understanding. Otherwise,
they will ruin your tea before they serve it to you.
Look how many worries and inner differences there are!
A person continues to harbour differences of opinion, yet he
thinks he practices religion. Ask him if the quarrelling has
ceased in his home. Has it even decreased? Have his worries
become less? Does he have at least some peace? To that he
will say, “No, but at least I practice religion.” You fool! What
religion do you have? Being religious means, you are at peace
within and regardless of your situation in life you do not have
any stress, whether it be internal or external. To revert to your
Real nature (the Soul), is the final definition of religion.
If your wife drops a stack of china dishes and glassware,
would you be affected by it?
If you are affected or you feel hurt, you cannot refrain
from saying something; you cannot prevent turning on your
‘radio’. The moment you get hurt, your radio will come on,
which in turn will hurt her. Then she will point out, “You act as
if you never break anything.” It is important to understand that
glassware can easily slip and break. If you were to tell her to