Harmony in Marriage
Dadashri : Then God will not stay wherever there are
Questioner : But there should at least be some
Dadashri : No, there should not be any quarrelling.
Why should there be any quarrelling? What is the reason for
quarrelling? Are you comfortable with quarrelling? How many
months can you live with conflicts?
Questioner : Not a single moment.
Dadashri : Not even for a month? You get good meals
to eat, you wear beautiful jewellery, and yet you quarrel. You
quarrel because you do not know how to live life; you do not
know the art of living. This is what causes quarrels. All people
care about is the art o f making money. You do not think about
how to live life because your thoughts are preoccupied with
making money. Shouldn’t you think about this?
Questioner : We should think about it, but everyone has
a different approach.
Dadashri : No, everyone’s ways are not different, they
are all the same. “Dollars! Money! Where can I make money?”
When one makes money, he goes to a store to buy something
for the house and then brings it home and stares at it. Then
when it becomes old, he has to go and buy something else. All
day long, he is caught up in this kind of a rut; he is unhappy and
stressed. How can one live this kind of a life? Does this suit a
human being? There should not be any quarrels (kalesh).
Questioner : What are you referring to when you say
Dadashri : When you quarrel and clash with your family
members, with outsiders, with your wife, all that quarrelling is