HAPI Guide Summer 2017 | Page 10

HEALTH Ceremony, circle, one-on-one Sound x Intention x Spirit x Love are always in Magic Action together. We follow threads of wisdom and power as they reveal themselves, in alignment with all who arrive with their love, their lives, their tales, their yearnings. helping to orchestrate the circumstances of our healing intentions. And we step into the evidence of this with amazement, fascination, deep grati- tude. Ceremony, circle, one-on-one Sound x Intention x Spirit x Love are always in Magic Action together. We follow threads of wisdom and power as they reveal themselves, in alignment with all who ar- rive with their love, their lives, their tales, their yearnings. We laugh together, we learn and heal together. Building on what people know already, I honor that everyone has deep wisdom yearning to come to the surface to be applied. In fact, sound rattles and shakes loose deeply held wisdom and power below the conscious line, and out of dream time into the present. I have so much appreciation for my life. I honor my teachers incarnate—Jan Engels-Smith, Mi- chael and Sandra Harner, Tom Cowan, Tom Ken- yon, Jonathan Goldman, Bradford Keeney, Betsy Bergstrom. I bow to the people who sit in circle, in session, in ceremony, for drawing the spiri- tual power and wisdom from the divine realms, through me, to the healing and learning that takes place. And, I bow in deep gratitude to my council of helping spirits, who are orchestrating beauty and grace out ahead of us on all of our paths. 10 | HAPI Guide Lauri attributes her mastery in sha- manic sound healing to her prolonged studies and ceremonies with Jan En- gels Smith and the LightSong School of Shamanic Studies, her studies with Michael Harner and the Foundation for Shaman- ic Studies, her direct experiences with the spirits, medicine songs, bird language, and her extensive time facilitating learning experiences in sound, nature and shamanism. Her deep love and con- nection with the Earth and nature emerged from her early days in the mountains working with young people in the camping program of the YMCA. This love further developed through 20+ years of ecological studies as a graduate (MS and Ph.D.) in ecology, a professor in Forestry (NC State University) and Science Education (Portland State University), and as a government scientist (PNW Research Station, USFS). Her unique experien- tial facilitating style was honed during her time running a nonprofit teaching young people and adults about science in the outdoors, in the YMCA camping program, and her years running science education programs through PSU, Deerdance, and Jackson Bottom Wetland Reserve. She cur- rently has a thriving healing practice seeking to help people reach their next levels of wellness and life achievement. Lauri facilitates an extensive curriculum teaching people how to access pow- er, wisdom to create and transform through spir- it-guided sound. She co-owns and runs Hidden Lake Retreat, a small retreat center near Portland Oregon, where she chefs, herds cats, conducts cer- emony and offers her healing services. You can reach Lauri at Lauri@shamanicsound- healing.com; 503-939-7174 Her website: www.shamani