Hake's Auction Catalog 241 | Page 22

107 108 109 110 111 112
107 . McKINLEY “ AT HOME ” FRONT PORCH ROCKING CHAIR BUTTON HAKE # 292 . 1.5 ” w /“ Novelty Button
Co . Canton , O .” back paper . Image of McKinley on his famous front porch seated in an elaborate bent wood chair . Text above reads
“ I Believe It Is A Good Deal Better To Open Up The Mills Of The United States To The Labor Of America Than To Open Up The
Mints Of The United States To The Silver Of The World .” Slightly off-center , as is typical of this design . Otherwise strong contrast
w / only light wear . Exc . as made . Scarce . John Gearhart Collection . ( I ) $ 200.00
maker . Portrait of McKinley at bottom center w / bowling motif above . Light surface wear in reflected light . Exc . A seldom offered McKinley pin . John Gearhart Collection . ( H / I ) $ 100.00 109 . “ McKINLEY FOR PRESIDENT ” ORNATE TYPOGRAPHY REAL PHOTO BUTTON . 7 / 8 ” w / Gowdy back paper ( Coldwater , MI ). Ornate text and accents . Rich sepia portrait . Light scattered wear only seen in reflected light . Exc . John Hillhouse Collection . ( H ) $ 100.00 110 . McKINLEY & HOBART “ REPUBLICAN LEAGUE CLUB OF COLUMBIANA ” OHIO RIBBON BADGE . 8.75 ” long w / 1.75 ” cello disc . W & H label on reverse . Textural waving flags above portraits . Some light gold letter application loss on text , most notably the “ REP ” in “ Republican ”. Otherwise some light scattered staining , most notably just right of the portraits on right edge of ribbon . Overall VF . ( I ) $ 200.00 111 . McKINLEY “ FIRST WARD REPUBLICAN CLUB CANTON , O 1896 ” RIBBON BADGE . 9.75 ” overall w / 1.75 ” cello disc . J . H . Shaw label sewn on reverse . Real photo portrait of McKinley . Cello hanger at top has “ McKinley ’ s Ward ” designation . Even aging on designation w / a few faint spots . Ribbon has some age toning along the bottom below “ Republican ”. Otherwise light scattered wear and handling . Overall extremely Fine . ( I ) $ 200.00
112 . McKINLEY & ROOSEVELT GRAPHIC 1900 JUGATE CAMPAIGN SHEET MUSIC . 10.5x14 ”. Published in 1900 by T . M . Richards . Words and Music by T . M . Richards . Features portraits of the 1900 Republican ticket w / ornate eagle and shield motif . Some moderate edge wear and chipping along top edge , otherwise light handling . Technically Fine , but will frame to well above grade . John Hillhouse Collection . ( H ) $ 100.00 113 . McKINLEY & ROOSEVELT BRASS SHELL ELEPHANT BADGE WITH BRYAN IN TRUNK . Ribbon is 9.5 ” wide overall . 1.75x2.5 ” embossed die cut brass shell w / original diagonal bar pin on reverse . A terrific 1900 design featuring McKinley
and Roosevelt , in Rough Rider uniform brandishing pistols , gleefully riding a “ GOP ” elephant w / trunk wrapped around a struggling
Bryan . The trapped Bryan still retains all of the original silver application . As nice as they come . NM . ( I ) $ 200.00
114 . McKINLEY & ROOSEVELT “ BANKERS & BROKERS ” 1900 JUGATE RIBBON BADGE . 7 ” overall w / 2-1 / 8 ”
cello . W & H back paper . Additional text on ribbon reads “ Republican And Sound Money Club .” 1880 and 1900 dates at bottom . Blue ribbon has scattered creases w / some
fading and gold letter application loss , most notably on “ Bankers ”. White ribbon is crisp and clean . Cello has only light wear . Overall extremely Fine . ( I ) $ 200.00
115 . MCKINLEY AND ROOSEVELT 1900 “ PROTECTION AND PROSPERITY ” JUGATE BADGE . 2.75 ” overall w / 1.25 ” cello . “ Nat ’ l Badge & Novelty Co .
Clev ‘ 00 ” imprint on reverse . “ Souvenir ” brass hanger w / stickpin on reverse . Metal shell is in the shape of a horseshoe w / jugate cello insert at center . Light handling on ribbon .
Brass and cello components have only minor wear . Overall Exc . ( I ) $ 200.00
116 . McKINLEY & ROOSEVELT ROUGH RIDER CELLO BAR RIBBON HANGER 1900 JUGATE . 3 ” wide . Same design as Hake # 23 , except this example
is constructed as a hanger for a ribbon badge . Horizontal bar pin on reverse . Only light wear on cello and brass frame . Exc . Scarce . John Gearhart Collection . ( I ) $ 200.00
117 . McKINLEY & ROOSEVELT PATRIOTIC AND OVERSIZED JUGATE BUTTON UNLISTED IN HAKE . 1.75 ” w / Pettibone Bros . back paper . Stars and
stripes design w / gold circle in center , in contrast to the silver circle in center of Bryan mate . Slightly uneven surface on cello w / scattered air marks seen in reflected light . Tiny
speck trapped under cello just below Roosevelt ’ s portrait on white stripe . Technically VF , but displays above grade . John Hillhouse Collection . ( I ) $ 200.00
118 . MCKINLEY & ROOSEVELT “ COMMERCE & INDUSTRIES ” JUGATE BUTTON HAKE # 22 . 1.25 ” w / Mertz Button Co . back paper . Classic and colorful
jugate design featuring juxtaposed agricultural and factory scenes below the candidate to highlight that the Republican nominees are fighting for all parts of the country and
its economic growth . A relatively well-centered example of this design w / moderate wear seen only in reflected light .
Still Exc . ( I ) $ 200.00
Regalia Co . label on reverse . 1.75 ” cello disc . Dated May 22 , 1900 . Produced for
a Fraternal Order of Eagles celebration held in Vancouver . Delegates and officers
of the fraternal order from throughout America and Canada participated in the
event . The portraits of President McKinley , Queen Victoria , and Canadian Prime
Minister Sir Wilfrid Laurier were hung in the ballroom at the event to honor
the world leaders . Some minor gold letter application loss and some even aging .
Otherwise light handling . Extremely Fine . ( I ) $ 200.00
117 118 119
H - $ 200 to $ 400 I - $ 400 to $ 700 J - $ 700 to $ 1000
K - $ 1000 to $ 2000 L - $ 2000 to $ 5000 M - $ 5000 to $ 10000
N - $ 10000 to $ 20000 P - $ 20000 to $ 35000 Q - $ 35000 to $ 50000
R - $ 50000 to $ 75000 S - $ 75000 to $ 100000 T - $ 100000 to $ 200000
U - $ 200000 to $ 350000 V - $ 350000 to $ 500000 W - $ 500000 to $ 750000
X - $ 750000 to $ 1000000 Y - $ 1000000 to $ 1500000 Z - $ 1500000 and up