The Guru and the Disciple
have parigraha (acquisitive tendency towards material things).
We can learn from them too. So everything we learn from is our
guru. The dog does not want to become our guru but if we consider
it our guru, then the lesson we learn from it will give results. This is
the real way!
If you trip and fall down over something, that too is your
guru. How can a person progress without a guru? If you are
walking on a road and you trip and fall, the obstructing object
may say, ‘What will you lose by looking down a little when you
walk?’ Therefore, I see a guru everywhere and in everything.
Whatever you learn from, consider that as your guru. If you learn
and gain something by tripping, then you should consider it your
guru. I have gained many benefits from everything in this way.
There should be no annoyance towards the guru. Today all
knowledge has been obstructed because of annoyance with the
idea of a guru.
The one who opposes the idea of a guru has been stung in
the past life
It is not possible to do without a guru. If someone says,
‘You can do without a guru,’ it is a contradiction. In this world, it
is not possible to proceed without a guru, whether it is a technical
matter or otherwise. Such a statement is worthless. People ask
me why so many people make such statements, I tell them that
they do so without an understanding and that they do not mean
any harm by it. They are merely expressing in this life the aversion
they had for their guru in their past life.
Questioner: Why would that repulsion have arisen towards
the guru?
Dadashri: When people say there is no need for a guru,
do you know what that is comparable to? Once, when I was
young, I threw up while eating doodhpaak (milk pudding). I may
have vomited because of something else; it was not necessarily