Guru and Disciple Guru and Disciple | Page 24

The Guru and the Disciple 13
the doodhpaak but I developed an aversion for it . From that moment onwards , I would get nervous at the sight of doodhpaak . After that whenever they made doodhpaak at home , I would tell my mother , ‘ I do not like this sweet dish , so what will you give me instead ?’ My mother would reply , ‘ Dear son , there is a millet paste and if you eat ghee and molasses I will give you that ,’ to which I said , ‘ I don ’ t want any ghee or molasses .’ I would not eat until she gave me honey . Then my mother would explain to me , “ When you go to your in-laws , they will make comments like , ‘ Has his mother never fed him doodhpaak ?’ If they serve doodhpaak and you do not eat it , it will look bad . So why not start eating a little at a time ?” She tried to coax me in many ways , but nothing changed . The aversion that I developed took hold within . That is how this aversion towards the guru has taken hold .
Questioner : But why is there repulsion for the guru ?
Dadashri : It is because he had some dispute with the guru in the past life and that results in repulsion in this life . So many different kinds of repulsions are involved . Many people do not have repulsion for gurus but have repulsion for God . Therefore , this is how people reject gurus . Just as I developed an aversion to doodhpaak due to an unrelated cause of vomiting , people develop an aversion to gurus .
Those who claim that one can do without a guru , are contradicting the entire world . This is because they are trying to perpetuate their mistake onto others . What do you think of this discussion ?
Questioner : It is true .
Dadashri : If you have a clash with your guru , you may feel it is not worth having a guru . Now if the guru has hurt you , then you may not want to take a new guru . You cannot force your experience on others . If I had a bitter experience with a guru , I should not go around telling everyone that they should not make