Guru and Disciple Guru and Disciple | Page 22

The Guru and the Disciple 11 Everyone makes animals their gurus, but these people do not call the animals their gurus, whereas Dattatreya did! If someone were to beat an animal, it would flee. That is what people have learned; they have learned that if someone beats them, they should run away. People have learned this from the animals. Moreover, you will not attain liberation by calling just the animals your guru; you will have to make the entire world your guru in order to attain liberation. If you make every living being your guru, and learn whatever you can from them, you will attain liberation. God is present in every living being so if you embrace and learn from them, you will attain liberation. Did you understand the concept of a guru? Questioner: Yes. Dadashri: Your experiences too are your guru. Your experiences will guide you from within. The experience, which does not become a cause to guide you, is not an experience. That is why these are all gurus. One man was limping and another man began to make fun of him and laugh at him. A little later, he happened to meet me and told me that he had made fun of someone, but then suddenly he realized what he was doing and asked himself whether he saw the Soul within the limping man. He said he immediately became aware of Gnan. So everything teaches us. Every experience teaches us something. If just once, someone were to pick your pocket, that experience will teach you a lesson and that lesson will remain with you. If you can learn from a dog, you should learn from it. Even dogs can be considered gurus. A dog can be sitting here for an hour and half, then if we give him some food, he will eat only as much as he can and will leave the rest. He will not be greedy or