Do you have a future plan in mind?
Definitely expansion is an important aspect, we are trying
to expand to other gulf countries, we have now opened a
some branches in Saudi Arabia. We are also trying to
build products around the services we are providing now,
hopefully within the next 5 years we’ll be able to reach
other continents like the US and Europe also
What are some of the obstacles you faced?
The first obstacle was the financial one, it was a hard thing to
provide the capital needed to open the company, secondly, we
had a very challenging hiring obstacle, finding a quality
resources and engineers is very difficult, and the market is
flooded with low quality resources so we tried to filter that out.
Also we had a lot of challenges in marketing yourself as a new
company. However we proved alhamdulillah successful on all
these obstacles and we overcame them.
What do you think is they key to a successful business?
You have to be focused. Focusing on execution and
quality is very important, focusing on goals is also
important. You need to be a risk taker. Gathering
good people around you is also important, having
good engineers, good management, good overall
production lying in your company. Also you should
build your company on a good idea, this is one of the
key aspects of having a business.