Gulf magazine 1 | Page 4

How has being an entrepreneur affected your personal life? i definitely became more in control of my time, organising your priorities and your time is crucial to success in out field, also as an entrepreneur you need to be more of a risk taker than being a safe employee. What makes your product/service special? The first thing is the understanding of the gulf area culture, we know how gulf companies operate and how it’s different than other areas of the world, we know how the culture affects the part where the data is concerned, we also have very skilled employees and skilled engineers working with us, also we stick with the best practices when we work instead of just doing the job as wanted. We are quality oriented and we focus really on delivering the value to the costumer. What is your marketing strategy? First and foremost, we are a quality oriented company, this is how we market ourselves, secondly we are specialised, meaning that we dont do anything but data management, instead of just being a general IT company, also we try to sell that we are a locally owned and a locally executed company, instead of bringing companies from outside, we are totally local to the UAE and we serve the UAE from the inside.