4) Academic
Timetables should be available to students a minimum of
three weeks prior to enrolment and should not be altered
without student consultation.
What Students Want...
Our students require knowledge of timetables in order to arrange various
commitments around their course. Timetables should be provided a minimum of
three weeks in advance, in order for students to manage their time accordingly. A
change in timetabling should be arranged with student consultation. . Lectures and
tutorials should not be cancelled if at all possible. If this is essential, students should
be given as much notice as possible.
What are the benefits...
Students should receive appropriate support in terms of balancing commitments.
Advanced timetabling will help students participate in employment and work
placements as these external stakeholders require knowledge of availability ahead
of time. It would also allow student parents to make necessary arrangem ???????)??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????)????????M?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????)??????????????????????????????????????????????????????)M?????Y???(+?qM????????????????????????????????????)???????????????????????????????????????????)?????????????????????????????????????????????)????????????????t???I??????Q?????A???????? L(??????????M1Q?????()UM\??U????????M??????]???)A?????((0