3) Communication &
Staff should use a variety of methods of contact to ensure
important messages get through to students and to increase
dialogue between the two parties. Lecturers should operate
open-door set office hours and should answer student emails at the earliest possible time within ten working days.
What Students Want...
Staff should be encouraged to use social media to converse with students. Academic
staff should have a method to contact their students quickly in the event of an
emergency. Staff should also ensure that communications with themselves via email
or other methods is replied to within at least ten working days.
What are the benefits...
Increased communication with students provides a healthy student-staff
relationship. It ensures clear communication between both parties and give students
a better understanding of upcoming work and the deadlines in the curriculum. Set
office hours offer a personal approach to learning that allows a rapport. Lecturerstudent liaison should take place online as well as face-to-face. Lecturers should
respond to e-mails quickly to allow for student queries to be answered whilst they
are still relevant.
Student View
“Mr. McKim displays enthusiasm in his lectures and
outside the class room makes himself available and
encourages students to come see him in his office hours
and provides succinct information within the classroom
and useful links on the University’s blackboard and
other social networks has made himself available for
questions.” - Ian McKim - Criminology - FBS - Glamorgan
SLTAs 2012.
USW: University Students Want
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