2) Enterprise &
Links with Industry
Courses should offer learning opportunities related to
employment where possible as well as provide relative links
to industries and opportunities.
What Students Want...
Course leaders should explore ways for students to engage in
Industry relevant learning during their studies, such as Industry relevant/work based
modules. Academic and Professional Support Staff should provide students with
relevant links to external opportunities in training, qualifications and experience.
Activities should be available to encourage an independent and self-motivated
approach to career development.
What are the benefits...
Incorporating industry relevant learning opportunities with academic achievement
will enable students to gain experience in their field of expertise. It means they can
reinforce theory learnt in the classroom through practical application in the field.
Enterprising activities will help students to market themselves, create their own
job opportunities and gain self-confidence to enhance their employability. Links to
training, qualifications and experience means the chance to gain contacts, build a
larger portfolio of work and develop future career paths.
Student View
“Fun activities like the student market, master classes
and competitions help people realise their potential and
discover new skills. They work with an impressive mix of
people, from course leaders to Chief Executives of local
and national companies which allow students to work
on exciting and valuable projects, both in and out of the
curriculum.” - The Bright Ideas Team - Commercial and
External Services - Newport EEAs 2013
USW: University Students Want
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