Guide to International Schools 2021 2021 | Page 26

Karen Morement
Parent to children in Year 9 , 11 and 13
“ Our positive experience of Tanglin Trust School stems from Nursery all the way through to the Sixth Form . We chose Tanglin not only because of its academic excellence , but also because there was a warm , caring feeling the moment you walked into the Infant school ; an aspect that remains constant throughout the school .
Aside from academics , the school produces well-rounded individuals with confidence and amazing communication skills . Students get opportunities to speak and perform publicly and the content of what they say , and how they say it , is always impressive – whether it ’ s an infant child who has rehearsed lines , a junior child doing their ESB , or a member of the Head Team or an MUN participant .
My children ’ s extracurricular interests have also been nurtured , with sporting opportunities to travel around Asia and represent the school , as well as creative opportunities through the outstanding music and arts programmes . This is backed by a supportive culture that admires talent ; from rock bands to opera singing or robot building ! My children have all flourished at Tanglin and constantly amaze me with what they have learnt , the opportunities they have been given , and how much they enjoy school life .”
Rachael Day
Parent to children in Nursery and Year 2
“ For us , Tanglin strikes the perfect combination of traditionally strong educational standards , a non-profit foundation and a genuine aspiration to nurture children as individuals . The teachers believe in learning far beyond the classroom - they are professionals who provide compassion , positive energy and an environment in which our little girls feel liked , valued and regularly inspired .
At its heart , Tanglin is about family values , vibrant learning , and an attitude of endless possibilities for children and their families . It ’ s a supportive , happy and diverse community where we feel reassured and confident in our children ’ s ’ exciting journeys ahead .”
Emma Wilkin
Parent to children in Year 1 and 10
“ When my youngest daughter joined Reception I did worry that the change from a small preschool might be a bit overwhelming . There was no need for me to worry , she quickly settled with a warm , and encouraging welcome from her peers , new teacher and TLAs . My other daughter joined in Year 7 , and was also made very welcome , adapting quickly to life at Tanglin . Both never tire of telling us about their school days and all the things they have learnt .
Everything at Tanglin is very well organised , we were so very impressed at how the school adapted to the challenges of Covid-19 . They worked tirelessly to continue to give the children the support they needed both academically and socially .”