Groundskeeping Journal Issue 10 2022 | Page 19

Nottingham Forest FC stadium
HOT STUFF High root mass and deep rooting means tetraploids are vital to heat survival , giving greater drought tolerance and stability . They are the first and fastest to recover from a prolonged period of heat and drought stress , an ideal choice for freedraining soils and sites exposed to full sun or without irrigation . For example , R6CRT includes tetraploid rye , hard fescue & creeping red fescue for
a dense , hard-wearing sward with tolerance to and recovery from heat and drought .
• Repair & Renovate high impact wear surfaces
• Transitional autumn / winter seeding for winter wear recovery
• Increase heat , drought and disease tolerance
• Sports pitches , racecourses , golf tees , fairways and walkways
CHALLENGING TIMES Changes in climatic conditions are proving increasingly challenging for turf maintenance .
As in recent times , climatic conditions have swayed from one extreme to the other . Late frosts , drought in spring , summer heat waves , periodic intense rainfall are all becoming commonplace . Tetraploids can better withstand heat & drought variations and also germinate in colder temperatures , making 4Tetra the robust , hard wearing , persistent go-too choice fro performance and recovery throughout the seasons .
“ We upgraded our seeding at the stadium to the R140 Tetraploid and Diploid Perennial Ryegrass blend because of its robust , hard-wearing benefits and as it work well in colder temperatures . We have also found when using this mixture it helps to establish germination quickly and offers early protection against fungal attack in the early day when the seedbed is young and most vulnerable .
Although we normally leave an eight- to nine-week window to create a quality playing surface , the grass established well in just six to seven weeks , and we ’ re confident that our on-going maintenance programme will support its durability so we can continue to meet the players ’ expectations throughout the season .”
Ewan Hunter , stadium manager , Nottingham Forest FC
GroundskeepingJournal . co . uk | March 2022 19