Groundskeeping Journal Issue 10 2022 | Page 18


A grass for all seasons

new generation of

A amenity tetraploid perennial ryegrass cultivars offer exceptional qualities for golf courses , stadiums , playing fields and racecourse . Fast establishment , recovery , cold temperature growth , superior stress tolerance and high root mass makes them suitable for a wide range of applications around the course and on pitches , including tees , divotting , walkways , renovation and autumn seeding . But what makes them so exceptional ?

COOL PERFORMERS Tetraploids germinate and establish faster than diploid ryes , even in cold soil temperatures from just 4 ° C ! Such highenergy seed , superior winter wear and robust re-growth helps maintain grass cover . The ultimate cold mix is R314 Rye , a blend of amenity tetraploid and annual ryegrasses for use during the winter season for “ get it green ” repairs . For sports pitches , when the turf is under such intense wear pressure , the speed of emergence and high root mass helps restore a surface in the shortest possible time , making 4Tetra ( 100 % tetraploid rye blend ), R140 ( 50 / 50 tetraploid / diploid blend ) and R25CRT ( tetraploid / creeping / diploid ) perfect for surface repairs or renovation any time of year .
18 GroundskeepingJournal . co . uk | March 2022