Groundskeeping Journal Issue 10 2022 | Page 20

TOUGHEN UP High disease pressure can devastate the performance and visual qualities of the sward . Selecting cultivars with high disease tolerance is an important part of an integrated management approach . The official GEVES European Turf Testing Programme ( see table ) demonstrates the great tolerance tetraploids have to common turf diseases such as Microdochium Patch , Red Thread & Rust .
GO-TO CHOICE From its initial introduction into the UK by Rigby Taylor , the use of tetraploids has rocketed thanks to their proven performance and flexibility for wide-ranging applications right throughout the year . Blended with diploid ryegrasses or mixed with fescues they are reliable performers that always deliver . For more information on the choice of R Range tetraploid technology mixes for your course contact Origin Amenity Solutions
www . originamenity . com
20 GroundskeepingJournal . co . uk | March 2022