One portion of the renewable energy comes from their own wind power setup .
the rolled product , it is < 350 kg of CO 2e per ton of steel . Our facilities for manufacturing green steel are in Pune , Maharashtra .
GSW : How do you think these brands will contribute to making the world greener ?
RKG : Every company , organization , and individual must participate in the sustainability agenda and reduce CO 2 emissions . Some will make a smaller contribution , while some will achieve larger emission reductions . As far as we are concerned , there are 200,400 tonnes of steel that we are producing now . We will be able to reduce almost 400,000 tons of CO 2
. If everybody contributes to this cause , the world will become a better place to live . It will save us from global warming and bring many other benefits , including intergenerational equity .
GSW : I am sure you have moved on from the traditional ways of steelmaking . Could you please tell us the technology advancements and developments and new infrastructure that you have built in recent years or anything that you have planned for the next few years ?
RKG : This is a very interesting question . In India , almost 80 % of energy is thermal power . While producing thermal power , you burn coal which is highly carbon intensive . Therefore , our first step was to move away from thermal energy to renewable energy , i . e ., solar and wind .
Secondly , we are trying to use more and more scrap as part of the circular economy . Currently , more than 70 % of our steel comes from scrap . The remaining 30 % comes from pig iron and DRI and we are trying to reduce it further .
Thirdly , we have made our operations more and more efficient so that we reduce the consumption of power ,
Green Steel World | Issue 9 | November 2023 39