Green Steel World November 2023 | Page 38


KALYANI FeRRESTA – Steel for a greener planet

Since its establishment in the mid-60s , Kalyani Group has one mission for its steel business : to become a leading player in the alloy steel segment by constantly upgrading its manufacturing technologies and adopting cost-effective methods of steelmaking . Through two of its recently launched brands viz . KALYANI FeRRESTA and KALYANI FeRRESTA PLUS , Saarloha Advanced Materials Pvt . Ltd . ( a Kalyani Group company ) is leading the cause to make the world a better place to live in . With the facilities for green steel manufacturing in Pune , Maharashtra , KALYANI FeRRESTA and KALYANI FeRRESTA PLUS are ready solutions for OEMs to purchase green steel which promises < 0.19 tCO 2 per ton of crude steel and net zero
GHG emission respectively .
In an interview with Green Steel World , Mr . R . K . Goyal , Director of Saarloha and Managing Director , Kalyani Steels Ltd ., spoke about the challenges , motivations , the company ´ s vision and mission , and the Group ´ s role in the green steel industry .
GSW : Can you please elaborate a bit on the Kalyani Group ´ s steel business ?
RKG : We have two companies as part of Kalyani Group ’ s steel business : Kalyani Steels
Limited ( KSL ) and Saarloha Advanced Materials Private Limited ( Saarloha ). We have started producing green steel in Saarloha under two brands , KALYANI FeRRESTA and KALYANI FeRRESTA PLUS .
KALYANI FeRRESTA PLUS provides net zero GHG emission steel whereas KALYANI FeRRESTA stands out because of its very low GHG emissions of < 190 kg of CO 2e per ton of crude steel . If we talk about
38 Green Steel World | Issue 9 | November 2023