Green Steel World November 2023 | Page 40

consumption of fuels , and consequently , it helped us reduce our CO 2e footprint . Where fossil fuels have previously been used , for example , furnace oil , PNG and others , we have started using biofuels , biodiesel , etc . Of course , we had to invest a fairly large amount of money to achieve all of this .
GSW : If I am not mistaken , you are running all your processes on EAF , is that correct ? Does hydrogen have a role in your process at any point ?
RKG : That is correct , we use EAF . At the moment hydrogen has no role in our manufacturing process . With time and the evolution of technology , we plan to use hydrogen-based reheating furnaces .
GSW : Can you please tell us more about this 100 % renewable energy ? Where exactly are you sourcing it from ? And how are you ensuring that there is enough supply so that productivity does not get hampered ?
RKG : One portion comes from our own wind power setup . The rest comes from a solar power plant we have been collaborating with for 25 years . We have to balance carefully . If there is any shortfall , we use the state government electricity .
GSW : Do you keep track of all your scopes of emissions , and do you report scope 3 yet ?
RKG : We monitor and report scope 1 and scope 2 emissions regularly . We have almost completed our scope 3 emissions as well and very soon we will publish the same . Our definition of green steel is aligned with the First Movers Coalition ( FMC ). FMC was launched at COP26 by the World Economic Forum and US President Joe Biden . The levels of CO 2e emission necessary for KALYANI FeRRESTA and KALYANI FeRRESTA PLUS are well defined , systematically calculated and externally certified by a third-party verification agency , DNV , and yes , we keep track of them regularly .
GSW : The global report suggests that not a lot of steel scrap is available in Asia and there will be a shortage in the future . Seeing as your production is heavily based on the use of scrap metal , how do you ensure a steady supply ? Do you have any strategy in place to make sure that it does not get affected in the future ?
RKG : Thankfully , almost 75 % of our scrap is coming from our customers . We have a good understanding with them that whenever we are producing and supplying products to them , they
Mr . R . K . Goyal , Director of Saarloha and Managing Director , Kalyani Steels Ltd .
will supply back to us whatever scrap is generated . Sort of a buyback program , however , we do not have a formal agreement , but simply an understanding . We mostly serve the forging industry , seamless tube industry , aerospace and defence among others . Whatever scrap is generated at our customers ’ end we get it back and this ensures that we get quality scrap .
GSW : There is a lot of obscurity and a lot of questions around green manufacturing . How do you make sure that the customers are fully convinced ?
RKG : We have come across many customers over the past several months . They have checked all our documentation and have been satisfied . DNV is auditing and approving our documentation , our consumption of renewable energy and our CO 2 emissions . All the customers who buy KALYANI FeRRESTA and KALYANI FeRRESTA PLUS receive certificates jointly issued by DNV .
40 Green Steel World | Issue 9 | November 2023