Greater Ottumwa Investor Directory 2023-2024 | Page 5

Turning 65 soon ?

To the future ….

We are changing …
Last year was a transformation for Greater Ottumwa Partners in Progress . I believe that I can say with complete confidence that if it existed , we looked to change it . Why ? Because we had to . We told our investors that we were no longer going to take a back seat in the progress of our community . We were no longer going to accept the status quo . We took our mission seriously , and we rolled up our sleeves and got to work .
The GOPIP that you see today is evolving . We are harnessing technology to serve you better . We have , in collaboration with South Central Iowa Workforce Development Board and the City of Ottumwa , purchased new software that will track both workforce trends and economic data to the granular level . We are utilizing social media to its maximum potential . We are streaming our investor ’ s interests live from our offices for the community to see . of our Church Street district to lift their presence in the city .
We continue to lead the discussion on important community economic development topics , such as : childcare , housing , workforce , retail development and industrial development . We are doing this not only through financial contribution , but also through advocacy efforts locally , with state legislators , and nationally elected officials . Additionally , we are building new programs that will build value for everyone we serve . These include videography services , new advertising mediums and much more .
The Greater Ottumwa Partners in Progress staff have been working hard to ensure that we are focused on you , our investors and our community ; we are your servants . We are excited to work to help create a future in which ALL Ottumwa ’ s can work , live , play , and most importantly , prosper . We look forward to serving you , our community , into the future .
We formed the new Greater Ottumwa Development Foundation . The purpose of this foundation will be to capture economic grants and donations that will foster the growth of our region . We launched “ Lean In ,” an annual women in leadership conference that focuses on diversity and lifting the voice of equality . We have reignited and expanded every event that GOPIP produces to ensure that we create quality events that maximize the return for our investors and community . We launched a new podcast which highlights economic topics in the greater Ottumwa region . We began working with the business owners
In service ,
Marc E . Roe Executive Director


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Turning 65 soon ?
It ’ s not too early to talk about your Medicare options .
Ashley Frueh
SchwartzInsurance ( 641 ) 682-3481
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106 WSecond Ottumwa , IA www . schwartzins . com
Wellmark AdvantageHealth Plan , Inc ., Wellmark Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Iowa and Wellmark Blue Cross and Blue Shield of South Dakota are independent licensees of the Blue Cross and Blue Shield Association . This is asolicitation of insurance . Enrollment and coverageinaMedicareBlue Supplement insurance plan is with Wellmark Blue Cross and Blue Shield and is not connected with or endorsed by the U . S . government or the federal Medicare program .
GOPIP Investor Directory 2023-24