Greater Ottumwa Investor Directory 2023-2024 | Page 4


Greater Ottumwa Partners in Progress Committee Opportunities
The Greater Ottumwa Partners in Progress , Inc . Board of Directors is reorganizing and restructuring its committees to better meet the needs of Greater Ottumwa Partners in Progress , its members and the community . Strong member participation on committees is a must to help the action committees meet their objectives .
Serving on a Greater Ottumwa Partners in Progress committee allows you to experience the fullest value of your investment by meeting new people , getting your company name in front of the public and knowing the satisfaction of performing a valuable service to this community . You can join any number of committees at any time and participate for as long as you wish . You can make a difference as a volunteer on a Greater Ottumwa Partners in Progress Committee !
Committee Information
Ambassadors Committee This is the goodwill and social arm of Greater Ottumwa Partners in Progress . Ambassadors visit area
businesses , welcoming them to the community or celebrating their accomplishments . Meetings are held the first Friday of each month at 7:30 a . m .
Gene Schultz Community
Service Award Committee The committee meets prior to the annual banquet to select the recipient for the Gene Schultz Community Service Award . Recipients are selected to represent various aspects of community service .
Lean In – Women in Leadership This committee meets to organize and produce . This is a regional event lifting the voices of women in the workplace , and giving them tools to succeed in their professions . 2024 will be the second year for this event .
Golf Classic The committee assists Greater Ottumwa Partners in Progress staff in hosting its major social fundraising event of the year , the annual Golf Classic . It includes marketing , team and hole sponsors , prize collection , food planning , fundraising and coordination of activities
for the day . The event is held in July .
Rodeo Committee The committee meets to organize and promote the Greater Ottumwa Partners in Progress Rodeo . It includes securing sponsors and food vendors , marketing the event and coordinating activities that day . The event is held in July .
Holiday Nights ‘ N Lights Holiday Lighting Committee meets to organize and promote Holiday Nights ‘ N Lights . The one-mile spectacular lighted display is made possible by sponsorships and put together by amazing volunteers . Holiday Nights ‘ N Lights is an awesome community event attracting visitors from all over Iowa and several other states . Since 2005 , more than 212,000 visitors have come to see the displays . 2023 will be the 19th year of this event .
Lemonade Day Lemonade Day is an educational initiative that introduces youth to entrepreneurship , teaching them how to start , own , and operate their own business – a lemonade stand .
Mike Sprau President South Ottumwa Savings Bank
Zenna Boyd Secretary JBS
David Vollmar Board Member Alliant Energy
Kelly Genners Vice President Stakeholder Rep . Ottumwa Regional Legacy Foundation
Ruth Garza Board Member Community 1st Credit Union
Ryan Mitchell Board Member Orsborn , Mitchell , & Goedken , P . C .
AJ Gevock Treasurer Main Street Ottumwa REMAX Pride
Phil Rath Board Member Stakeholder Rep . City of Ottumwa
Michael McGrory Board Member Ottumwa Community School District
Shea Griner Director of Investor Relations
Jason Bolinger Digital Media Specialist
Diana Dominguez Office Associate
David Will Board Member John Deere Ottumwa Works
Jill Budde Board Member Indian Hills Community College
• Access to lists and labels
• Greater Ottumwa Partners in Progress website listing
• Annual report
• Land and building listings on website ( no residential )
• Business card wall
• Monthly e-newsletter
• Business contacts
• Networking
• Business referrals
• Recognition
• Conference room usage
• Rental or job listings on website
• Exclusive invite to Breakfast Bytes
• Ribbon cuttings
• Flyer Friday
• Sponsorship opportunities
GREATER OTTUMWA PARTNERS IN PROGRESS INVESTOR COMMITTEE SIGN UP I would like to serve on the following committee ( s ):
• Gift certificate program
• Window cling
• Greater Ottumwa Partners in Progress Investor Directory listing
• Window displays
Committee ( s ): Business : Address : E-Mail :
_____________________________________________________________________ Name : ______________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ Phone : ______________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Signature : ______________________________________________________________________________________ Date : ______________________________________________
E-mail to shea @ ottumwaiowa . com or mail to 217 E . Main St . Ottumwa , IA 52501 VOLUNTEER TODAY ! Reach Shea at ( 641 ) 814-5901 or shea @ ottumwaiowa . com
4 GOPIP Investor Directory 2023-24