Greater Ottumwa Investor Directory 2023-2024 | Page 3


PAGE 3 Greater Ottumwa Partners in Progress Investor Benefits
PAGE 4 Greater Ottumwa Partners in Progress Board , Staff and Committees
PAGE 5 Letter From the Executive Director
PAGE 6 Letter From the Mayor
PAGE 7 Community Partners , Outreach Resources
PAGE 8 Diversity , Equity and Inclusion
PAGE 9 Holiday Nights ‘ N Lights
PAGE 10 Main Street Ottumwa , Meet Ottumwa
PAGE 11 District Profiles
PAGE 13 Industry
PAGE 15 Health Care
PAGE 17 Lemonade Day
PAGE 18 Education
PAGE 20 Performing Arts
PAGE 22 Family Fun
PAGE 24 Parks
PAGE 26 Golf Classic / Greater Ottumwa Rodeo
PAGE 27 Lean in
PAGE 28-31 Business Listings


MISSION STATEMENT : Greater Ottumwa Partners in Progress is an economic and community development organization collaboratively advancing the prosperity of the Ottumwa region .
• Sponsor special events throughout the year , including : Wapello County Rodeo , Golf Classic , Holiday Nights ‘ N Lights and Lemonade Day — which enhances the quality of life for area residents and draws visitors from other parts of the state . These events give our members a great opportunity for business exposure and networking with prospective clients , customers , and resources .
• Provide GOPIP gift certificates for gifts or as employee rewards . These certificates can only be redeemed at member businesses . More than $ 57,000 in gift certificates have been purchased in the past three years . This is a significant amount of purchasing power in the community .
• Publish the Greater Ottumwa Partners in Progress Investor Directory and Community Profile , both as a booklet and on the website . This is a great tool for business exposure and networking opportunities .
• Promote Investor Businesses by referring our investors first and foremost to new Ottumwa residents , visitors and the community . Take advantage of our business card holder in the lobby .
• Host several valuable committees . This is a great opportunity for our members to
VISION : A vibrant and thriving Ottumwa region .
network and to give back to the community .
• Represent the business point of view at the local , state and national level through legislative forums , letter writing and lobbying .
• Recognize businesses in the community through the Greater Ottumwa Partners in Progress Ambassadors Committee with ribbon cuttings , groundbreakings and open houses .
• Sponsor educational seminars and workshops on members ’ business needs and topics .
• Distribute weekly newsletter ,“ Flyer Friday ,” of Investor-only content to our vast mailing list digitally .
• Provide added exposure for your business or organization with your link on the Greater Ottumwa Partners in Progress website .
• Take advantage of Eggs and Issues , Flyer Friday , window display areas and conference rooms at no charge .
• Business Spotlight , special radio and Facebook feature of your business .
• Video Services
Greater Ottumwa Partners in Progress , Inc .
For membership information , contact : Shea Greiner 641-682-3465 ext . 901 or shea @ ottumwaiowa . com


Greater Ottumwa Partners in Progress Investor Directory is a partnership with the Ottumwa Courier .
213 E . Second St ., Ottumwa , Iowa 52501 641-684-4611 | news @ ottumwacourier . com
Publisher : Greater Ottumwa Partners in Progress
General Manager / Editor : Kyle Ocker
Associate / Magazine Editor : Emily Hawk
Graphic Design : Axel Vazquez
Advertising Sales : Liz Techel Bethany Bowen Alyssa Cossel Tylor Durbn
Photos are a compilation of Ottumwa Courier and Greater Ottumwa Partners in Progress file photos , including photography from Ottumwa Courier interns Maxwell Thomason and Ayrton Breckenridge and Oskaloosa Herald Creative Coordinator Axel Vazquez .
For advertising information , contact : Ottumwa Courier | 213 E . Second St . | Ottumwa , Iowa 52501 641-684-4611 | ottumwacourier . com
Copies of the magazine are available from Greater Ottumwa Partners in Progress 217 E . Main St ., Ottumwa , Iowa 52501 www . gopip . org
GOPIP Investor Directory 2023-24