Hello and welcome to Ottumwa , the City of Bridges
From the desk of the Mayor ,
in the spring and summer of 2024 .
This past year has been a year of many challenges but also many positive improvements . The city has continued to work on all the major areas that are highlighted in Ottumwa ’ s 2040 Strategic Plan . These areas are housing , economic development , workforce retention and recruitment , community amenities , and diversity .
In the area of housing , our Community Development Department has continued this year with much success . We have removed several more derelict houses in Ottumwa that were beyond rehabilitation . These properties will be used as sites for new housing to be built upon in the future . We also continue to collaborate with other housing agencies such as Rippling Waters , Habitat for Humanity , Indian Hills Construction program and the Ottumwa High School Housing program . Rippling Waters continues to purchase and renovate existing houses that are still suitable for rehabilitation , and then they sell them at fair market value . Habitat for Humanity , Indian Hills and the Ottumwa High School program also continue to build new houses and then put them up for sale in the community . The city council has also made the housing ordinances more flexible so new houses can be built on narrower properties since many of the old derelict houses that are being removed now were built on much narrower lots years ago . In addition , the city — in coordination with the Legacy Foundation — has also started a Neighborhood Revitalization Program where a group of at least three property owners can go together to develop a plan for their neighborhood and , if approved , be awarded up to $ 10,000 to implement their plan . The city is also continuing the revitalization of our downtown area by supporting local contractors in building additional upper housing units in downtown buildings on Main Street , plus approving additional facade improvement projects for other buildings in the downtown area .
In the area of economic development , the City of Ottumwa has continued to contract this year with Greater Ottumwa Partners in Progress to take the lead on economic development initiatives that include both new business development and new retail development . New leadership , coupled with the restructuring of GOPIP last year , has resulted in a more aggressive and productive business plan in 2023 with more deliverables that are readily measurable and attainable . In addition , the city continues conversations with the owner of Quincy Place Mall to strategize on how new tenants can be recruited for the mall . The owner of Quincy Place Mall is also exploring various ways to reconfigure the interior of the mall , so tenants have more visibility and easier access to the public in the future . In addition , the new strip mall that is being built by Curt Hopkins next to Kohl ’ s is almost completed now , and will become the future home for four businesses , some existing and some new .
In the area of workforce retention and recruitment , the city has finished its work with Gallagher this summer to design and finish a new wage and benefit pay plan so city wages and benefits in Ottumwa are competitive with other similar sized cities . The city ’ s salary and benefit information had not been fully reviewed or revised for over 10 years , so it was time for a complete review to be done . Salary adjustments for city employees started on July 1 , with some employees getting their full adjustment now if it was under $ 5,000 . If the salary adjustment was over $ 5,000 , the adjustment will be paid out over the next two years . The city is also exploring new strategies that can be developed to attract new employees , plus we are working with our HR Department to find out if our current benefit plan is flexible enough so employees can receive customized and individualized benefits in the future that will meet their individual needs and wishes .
In the area of enhancing community amenities , there are a lot of projects being planned that will make Ottumwa even more attractive in the future . Dirt work for the new Indoor Sports Complex , by the Beach Ottumwa , will start this fall and the actual building will be constructed
The new Cobblestone Hotel that is next to the Bridge View Center is now finished , and a soft opening happened at the end of August . An official ribbon cutting ceremony was held Sept . 18 with community stakeholders and investors in attendance .
The master plan for redesigning Ottumwa Park was finalized and approved by city council this spring . In addition , eight new tennis courts are being built this year on school property instead of over by the Beach Ottumwa . This revised project is a financial partnership between the City of Ottumwa , the Ottumwa Community School District and the Friends of Ottumwa Park . Once these new tennis courts are built , some of the existing tennis courts in Ottumwa Park may be converted to pickle ball courts .
The city also worked very diligently this past year with many community groups as well as the city council to develop and approve a Revised Animal Ordinance that clarifies what types of dog breeds can be kept within the city limits , plus specific information that all responsible pet owners need to know and comply with in order to keep their pets safely within the city limits . The ordinance clearly places responsibility for ongoing animal safety , care and compliance directly on the pet owner .
In the area of embracing diversity , the city continues to support various community and cultural events . Events like the annual Ottumwa Pride Celebration , the annual Viva Ottumwa International Festival , the annual Suicide Prevention Walk , and the annual Alzheimer ’ s Walk — to name a few — are community events that not only celebrate our diverse community , but also promote and raise awareness of health related events that the community needs to educated on .
This past year , the city council also approved a new Human Rights Commission for Ottumwa that was implemented in January 2023 . Initially , the commission is focusing on educating themselves as well as the Ottumwa community regarding human rights in general , plus learning the signs of when human rights may be compromised or ignored .
There continues to be a lot of positive things happening in Ottumwa . I continue to be very impressed with the strong leadership , commitment and dedication of our city council , our city administrator , and our city employees . We are also in the process of hiring a new public information officer so we can really keep all citizens educated on important issues , plus keep them informed of all the positive things that are happening in Ottumwa . From my perspective , city staff , the city council , and all of our community partners are very dedicated and committed to making positive changes so Ottumwa can continue to grow and thrive in the future .
Finally , the city also continues to strengthen and enhance our ongoing relationships with the Wapello County Board of Supervisors , the Ottumwa Community School District , Indian Hills Community College , Ottumwa Regional Health Center , Iowa Works , Legacy Foundation and GOPIP , to name just a few .
By everyone collaborating and working together for the betterment of Ottumwa and Wapello County we will continue to make a real difference in the lives of all our citizens .
Mayor Rick Johnson City of Ottumwa
6 GOPIP Investor Directory 2023-24