Northaven Elementary School
1907 Oak Ridge Drive Jeffersonville , IN 47130 ( 812 ) 288-4865
Grades PK-5 | Principal : Laura Morris
nes . gccschools . com
Northaven Elementary School ( NES ) houses preschool through grade five and has an enrollment of approximately 550 students . The mission at NES is to provide a safe and nurturing environment for diverse learners . NES staff , students , family , and community members work collaboratively to challenge students and maximize their potential . The staff promotes success for all students .
Northaven Elementary offers an academic program that includes balanced literacy with integrated science and social studies concepts , daily writing workshops , and balanced mathematics . Students also attend library , physical education , art , music , and technology classes once per week . An intervention and enrichment block provides students specific instruction , re-teaching , reviewing , or further challenging concepts , skills , or strategies depending on the academic needs of the child .
Academics are priority at Northaven , but the staff also wants to instill good character and decision making into each student as well . A common language is used at NES regarding student expectations and creating a school where we feel safe and loved . The students are promoting the PRIDE initiative and building a positive community in their classrooms .
Outstanding Qualities - Ways Northaven Eagles show PRIDE :
• 2016-2022 Partnership with Harvard University and Data Wise
• 2021 Campus Contact Community Partnership Award
• 2021 Peace Learning Center Grant
• 2020 Indiana University Southeast School of the Year
• 2019 and 2020 IUS Supervising Teaching of the Year
• English Language Learners Program
• Annual World Fest- Celebration of the cultural diversity of NES families
• 2019 High Growth in English / Language Arts and Mathematics
• 2016-2022 Competitive Robotics Team
• 2019 2nd Place GCCS Academic Team Competition
• 2022 GCCS Boys Basketball Champions
• Communities in Schools Resource Teacher and Before / After School Care
• Northaven Soccer Team
• Indiana University Southeast Teaching Candidate Site
• Parent / School translation available in Spanish , French , and Arabic
• Individual student winners in Law Day , Jeff Parks Essay Contest , and Ball State Big M Gifted and Talented Mathematics recipient