Greater Cheyenne Chamber of Commerce Business Journal Q3 2015 | Page 23
and contributions to this 501(3)(c) non-profit are
always appreciated and sponsoring their events and
gatherings is an opportunity to get your name out in
the community while making a lasting impact
on downtown.
West Edge Project
Public Game Tables
The West Edge effort aims to launch a broad
spectrum of benefits for downtown: improving
the environment while motivating redevelopment;
addressing storm water retention and filtration
while adding civic open spaces; reducing flooding
potential to encourage investment; and adding green
infrastructure to make downtown livable. The result
is a triple bottom net that impacts our citizens’ safety,
environment, and economy. Cheyenne’s West Edge
has captured the imagination of a myriad of granting
agencies who have caught the vision local residents
launched with a 6th Penny ballot approval in 2012.
Voters supported designating $4.8 million for flood
control in the Lower Capital Basin that would enable
the City to match and leverage local funds into a
much broader impact benefiting the revitalization of
Downtown. To date, the West Edge has benefitted
from awards amounting to 10.1 million dollars.
Project Contact: Jamie Davis, Leadership
Cheyenne Class of 2015 Graduate
More Information: (307) 638-3388
Chamber Committee Actively Involved:
Leadership Cheyenne
Chamber Partners Actively Involved: City of
Cheyenne and Downtown Development Authority
Downtown has become a more active part of the
Cheyenne community and with this increase in traffic
there has been a demand for cleaning up the area,
providing murals, activities and more. A current need
for the downtown area is additional seating. The
Leadership Cheyenne Class of 2015 is focused on
not only providing seating but fun activities to engage
downtown visitors. Their goal is to entice visitors
to remain downtown, therefore their class will be
funding Public Game Tables. Outdoor game tables
are becoming increasingly popular in the United
States. Once the tables are purchased, the City of
Cheyenne will install them throughout the downtown
area. Provide support for this project by attending or
sponsoring the Leadership Cheyenne Class of 2015
Boo-tification Ball in October or provide a direct
donation to their project.
Project Contact: Matt Ashby, City of Cheyenne
More Information:
Chamber Partners Actively Involved: City of
Cheyenne and Downtown Development Authority
The vision knits together objectives that as
separate projects, wouldn’t capture the imagination.
Packaged together, we’ve been able to successfully
demonstrate how coordinating flood control with
public amenities can become a motivator for
Downtown development.
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