Great Scot May 2020 Great Scot 159_MAY 2020_ONLINE_V3 | Page 42

NEWS SCOTCH VCE MEDIA FILMMAKERS CONTINUE TO INSPIRE HENRY JOHNSTON WITH MR JAMIE KANE – AND HENRY’S AWARDS 42 Great Scot Issue 159 – May 2020 A film by Class of 2019 student Henry Johnston made the cut in this year’s Victorian Curriculum and Assessment Authority (VCAA) ‘Top Screen 2020’ exhibition. Part of the VCAA’s VCE Season of Excellence, Top Screen profiles the best screen-based works created by Unit 3/4 VCE Media students from around Victoria. Henry’s documentary film, Sallie Jones: An Australian Farmer, is the 15th film by a Scotch VCE Media student to be included in Top Screen in the 15 years that Unit 3/4 VCE Media has been offered at Scotch. His documentary also won the best film award at the MyState Film Festival, and the best director, best documentary, and Dean’s Choice award at the Bond University Film and Television Awards. Another film, by Henry’s 2019 classmate, Charlie Veitch, was also a finalist in the MyState Film Festival, as well as being selected to be a part of the ‘Lift Off’ Global Film Festival. Charlie’s short horror comedy, Deadline, joined Henry’s documentary in the short-listing of Top Screen films. Screening the Top Screen works allows students, their families, schools and the general community to celebrate the talents and achievements of young filmmakers. The exhibition’s selection panel commended Henry’s documentary for its sophisticated examination of rural mental health and farming operations run by women, as well as its flowing camera-work and well-paced editing. Scotch students undertaking VCE Media this year visited the exhibition at the Capitol Theatre, and were inspired by the screening of a dozen short films and animations, including Sallie Jones: An Australian Farmer. Seeing a documentary by a fellow Scotch filmmaker certainly challenged and motivated the students to produce work that might be worthy of screening at Top Screen in 2021. Henry Johnston’s film Sallie Jones: An Australian Farmer can be viewed here: watch?v=dIDqzHJPuHY Charlie Veitch’s film Deadline, can be viewed here: watch?v=VxLTbMwGwT4 JAMIE KANE – SENIOR SUBJECT TEACHER, MEDIA