Great Scot May 2020 Great Scot 159_MAY 2020_ONLINE_V3 | Page 43

RIGHT: THE BOYS AND TEACHERS WITH TREASURER AND MEMBER FOR KOOYONG, JOSH FRYDENBERG ABOVE: THE POLITICS STUDENTS, ALONG WITH TEACHERS MRS NARELLE SHEEZEL AND MR FRANK MAGUIRE, MET PRIME MINISTER SCOTT MORRISON DURING THEIR DAY AT PARLIAMENT HOUSE WHISTLESTOP TOUR OF THE AUSTRALIAN PARLIAMENT SEVEN BOYS GAINED VALUABLE INSIGHTS INTO AUSTRALIAN DEMOCRACY In late February, when bushfire recovery and sport rorts were still sharing the daily news with the emerging coronavirus pandemic, the six students of the 3/4 Australian Politics class were privileged to visit the Australian Parliament in Canberra. Accompanied by School Captain Will Dixon and teachers Mr Frank Maguire and Mrs Narelle Sheezel, the boys gained valuable insights into Australian democracy on this single-day excursion. Meetings with politicians formed some of the most exciting parts of the day. The first was with Deputy Prime Minister, Michael McCormack, in the Nationals’ party room, where we engaged in a discussion about the qualities needed to be an effective parliamentary representative and leader. We also met the Nationals’ Chief Whip, Damien Drum. Josh Frydenberg, Treasurer and Member for Kooyong, welcomed us to his office to discuss current policy issues and the demands of being a Cabinet minister and party deputy leader. Just back from a G20 meeting in the Middle East, Josh had opened a new Holocaust exhibit at the Australian War Memorial that morning, was about to meet with the President of Israel, and was preparing for questions that afternoon in the House about the strength of the Australian economy. Mid-discussion, the bells rang and Josh had to run to attend a vote in the House of Representatives. In a meeting with the Member for Oxley, Milton Dick, we discussed the challenges of being an effective representative while serving as an Opposition backbencher. The outer suburban Brisbane electorate of Oxley, which Milton represents, has an interesting demography and history, being home to the largest Vietnamese community in the nation, and having previously been represented by Pauline Hanson and Bill Hayden. Milton shared with the class the goals he hopes to achieve in Parliament, to make the finance and loan industry fairer and clearer for consumers. Throughout the day we saw a few Old Scotch Collegians, including ABC journalist and Political Editor, Andrew Probyn (’88), who enhanced our tour of the press gallery with a visit to the ABC studio; and Shadow Attorney-General, Mark Dreyfus (’73), whom we witnessed being ejected from Question Time by the Speaker! After Question Time – the highlight of parliamentary sitting days, which receives the most press coverage – we met briefly with Prime Minister Scott Morrison for a quick photo opportunity in the PM’s suite. Our final meeting was with the Speaker of the House of Representatives, Tony Smith, in the Speaker’s Courtyard. Tony answered our questions about his role, particularly the challenge of maintaining impartiality. He highlighted how accusations of Speaker’s bias are somewhat unfair, as those bending the Standing Orders are often on the Opposition side of the chamber. The Speaker explained how he ensures that the interests of his constituents in the Division of Casey are represented, and also how he cooperates with the President of the Senate to run Parliament House. CLIVE CROSBY – YEAR 12 Great Scot 43