Great Scot May 2020 Great Scot 159_MAY 2020_ONLINE_V3 | Page 41

Interview: TONY HENNESSY What inspired you to become a teacher? I went to school at Xavier College, where I studied Latin, Ancient Greek and French. I was greatly influenced by a very fine teacher, Mr David Murphy, who taught me all three subjects. He was an outstanding scholar and a dedicated teacher who always encouraged students in a positive way, and this helped us to gain a love of languages and the classics. At which schools have you taught Latin prior to arriving at Scotch, and were you involved in any extracurricular activities? I began my teaching career at Xavier, where I taught Latin and Greek for 15 years, as well as English and Drama. I also directed many drama productions, mainly the plays of Shakespeare, but also Oedipus the King, Twelve Angry Men and Gentle Memories. I also taught Latin at PLC and Melbourne Grammar School. Was Latin taught at Scotch from its foundation through to the present day? There was a period of more than 20 years when Latin was not offered as a subject. Most fortunately, Mr Batty reinstated Latin in 2013 and the subject is thriving in its renaissance. The number of students choosing to study it has grown remarkably. What do students like about Latin? I think the structure of the subject appeals to them, and of course it is one of the main languages from which English is derived. Students are also inspired by the fact that after just two and a half years of studying Latin they have the ability to translate the original Latin works of Julius Caesar, Horace, Virgil and other classical authors; something that will stay with them for the rest of their lives. Many Latin students Latin Teacher also study Ancient History, and the two subjects complement each other perfectly. What interests do you have away from school? I enjoy reading, especially historical novels. I am a keen Geelong Football Club supporter, and I also enjoy cricket and tennis. What are your favourite places at Scotch? I have to say the Latin classroom is certainly one of them. I also like the Quadrangle with its beautiful weeping elm tree surrounded by lawns and flower beds. I enjoy being by the foursquare courts where students play so energetically – it is a wonderful Scotch College institution. Great Scot 41