Great Scot December 2019 Great Scot 158_December_ONLINE | Page 38

NEWS TOP SCOUTING AWARD TO SCOTCH VENTURER LEADER SCOUT CAMP – PUTTING ACQUIRED SKILLS TO THE TEST Scouts enjoyed four days packed with activities Our year in 1st Hawthorn Scouts finished with our Main Camp over four nights at the end of Term 3. All the skills learned over the year were put to the test, as the boys were largely self-sufficient, camping in their patrol groups at Clifford Park. Our troop of 25 boys from Years 6 to 9 travelled to our campsite on Wednesday morning of the final week of the term. Wednesday to Friday were packed with a range of activities such as a hike, a challenge course, crate stacking, and the challenges posed by the necessity to maintain their own campsite area and prepare their own meals. On Saturday the boys’ families arrived for the highlight of every year’s Main Camp, the family day. The boys ate lunch with their families, before our main official event, a large 38 Great Scot Issue 158 – December 2019 Group Parade, held with all family members present. At this parade, William Haywood (Year 6) and William Dimitroulis (Year 8) both gave speeches about their year in Scouts, and several new Scouts were invested. More activities followed on Saturday afternoon, followed by a bonfire on Saturday evening. On Sunday morning we awoke to an early morning session of reflection, followed by a thorough clean-up of the campsite prior to our departure. Many thanks to Scout Leaders Andrew Garde (‘97), Jodie Kosky and Chris Padgham for the Scouting experiences they have provided our boys with this year, and to Scotch staff Michael Moloney and Peter Karakoussis for their wonderful support. WARREN PRATT – TEACHER-IN- CHARGE, SCOUTS ROBERT EVANS (‘77 – LEFT) RECEIVES HIS SILVER KANGAROO AWARD. Congratulations to long-serving Scotch Venturer Leader, Robert Evans (‘77), who has been recognised for his exceptional service to Scouting by being awarded the Silver Kangaroo, the highest award for adult leaders in Scouts Australia. Rob has been a Venturer leader at 1st Hawthorn, Scotch College, for 37 years and has also been involved in training leaders and running major events for Venturers throughout Victoria.