Great Scot December 2019 Great Scot 158_December_ONLINE | Page 39

PICTURED BELOW: RYAN AHL, RONAN AHL, MR STEVE DE DEMENICO AND RION AHL FROM SANDPIT TO SANDBOX – NEW SOFTWARE WITH GREAT POTENTIAL The Augmented Reality Sandbox, a creation of the Scotch Robotics Club in 2019, is set to transform the way we learn. The club meets every Wednesday lunchtime and welcomes all boys from Years 7 to 12. Under the guidance of Mr De Domenico, we have worked week after week over countless lunch breaks to create the sandbox. Using an Xbox Kinect Sensor, the height of the sand at every point is measured and then relayed to a powerful computer, which matches the height with the corresponding colour and contour lines. This projects a stunning landscape onto the entire sand, complete with contour lines. From flowing deltas to flood plains, snow-capped mountains and deep valleys, the sandbox instantly responds to a hand as it moves around the sand to form new landscapes with endless possibilities. Raising a hand even causes digital rain to fall onto the sand, simulating the flow of rainfall. This sandbox has huge potential to enhance learning, such as furthering our understanding of geographical landscapes, while working with our imagination. The technology involves a hands-on educational tool that fully illustrates the mechanics of topography and the formations of land structures such as spurs and saddles; it can even gauge and model risk levels in flood prone areas. As the software is developed further, other geographical features such as volcanoes will be added. While each one of us has a view on what to learn, the Augmented Reality Sandbox is set to redefine HOW we learn! RYAN AHL – YEAR 10 Great Scot 39