Great Scot December 2019 Great Scot 158_December_ONLINE | Page 37

EXCELLENCE IN MATHEMATICS Scotch’s Mathematics department aims to provide students with opportunities to engage with Mathematics to the highest level of which they are capable. This is no small task, given the considerable talent of some of our boys. A sampling of success stories from 2019 is provided in what follows. The Australian Mathematics Competition is one of the largest competitions of its kind in the world. It has had over 15 million entries since its inception in 1978, and is one of the primary mechanisms for identifying and developing mathematical talent in Australian youth. Each year the top-performing students in the competition are invited to Government House (in one of the states or territories, on a rotating basis) to receive medals from the sitting governor. This year 30 students from across Australia were awarded medals for their outstanding performance, three of whom were Scotch students: Liam Chen (Year 7), Jordan Chi (Year 8), and Matthew Lee (Year 12). No other school in the country surpassed this medal haul. The School Maths Olympics is a mathematics outreach activity of the University of Melbourne, held annually on their Open Day in August. Schools are invited to submit teams of five students who compete in a frenetic problem-solving relay. Students work in pairs to solve problems, while the fifth member acts as a runner who ferries the questions and answers between contestants and organisers. The runner is rotated periodically. The Scotch team consisted of William Sutherland, Tianqi Feng, Kevin Wu (all of Year 12), Andres Buritica Monroy (Year 10) and Zian Shang (Year 8). After getting every question right in this event, they were subsequently invited back to compete in its undergraduate analogue, the University Maths Olympics. This operates on the same principles, except that the teams comprise university students. If the Scotch boys were intimidated by their competition, then it did not show: they defeated almost all of the university teams to be placed a very impressive second overall. KEVIN WU, TIANQI FENG, WILLIAM SUTHERLAND, ZIAN SHANG, MATTHEW LEE. ABSENT: ANDRES BURITICA MONROY Research in Pure Mathematics is a domain generally restricted to those few who pursue the subject at great length. Many sub-fields require years of postgraduate study before their frontiers can be understood, let alone expanded. A counter-example is provided by the recent work of one of Scotch’s finest young scholars, Andres Buritica Monroy of Year 10. Andres has written an article in which he proves an original and significant result establishing an algorithm for determining the Cartesian equation of an essentially arbitrary plane figure. The mathematical content of the article is entirely Andres’ own work. With some mild encouragement he submitted it to The Mathematical Gazette, a leading academic journal, published by Cambridge University Press. The article has subsequently been peer-reviewed and accepted for publication, and is due to appear in the journal’s July 2020 edition. DR GARETH AINSWORTH – HEAD OF MATHEMATICS Great Scot 37