Great Scot December 2019 Great Scot 158_December_ONLINE | Page 36

NEWS FRASER IS SCOTCH’S 46TH SAGSE SCHOLAR Cross-cultural opportunity Fraser Miscamble (Year 12) has become the 46th Scotch boy to be awarded a scholarship from the Scholarships for Australian-German Student Exchange (SAGSE), in the organisation’s 52nd year. This year, 12 scholarships were awarded to young Victorians studying German in either Year 11 or Year 12, who wish to broaden their horizons and contribute to cross-cultural understanding and a peaceful future. At the completion of his Year 12 exams, Fraser travelled to Germany with the 11 other Victorian scholarship recipients and recipients from other states plus New Zealand. They will spend approximately 10 weeks with German host families, attend a camp over winter and take a trip to the capital city, Berlin, at the conclusion of the stay. 36 Great Scot Issue 158 – December 2019 MAIN PICTURE: LEFT TO RIGHT: MR DAVID BROWN, JIA XIANG ZHENG (’12), NICK MARKS (YEAR 12), JOSH MCNEIL (’16), CHRISTOPHER CHAMBERLAIN (’18), FRASER MISCAMBLE (YEAR 12), DR EDWARD CLIFF (’10), TIM KAY (’14), DR RICHARD SICREE (’71) AND MR WARREN PRATT. ABOVE: FRASER MISCAMBLE WITH MR WARREN PRATT (LEFT) AND MR DAVID BROWN Fraser’s scholarship was generously donated by Bosch, and the presentation was held at Leonda by the Yarra, attended by his German teacher, Mr Warren Pratt, and his Head of House, Mr David Brown. Also attending were several of the 45 previous Scotch College scholarship recipients, including the very first one, Dr Richard Sicree, (‘71) who went on the exchange in SAGSE’s fourth year. WARREN PRATT – SENIOR SCHOOL GERMAN TEACHER