Great Scot 165_April_ONLINE | Page 15

AND TEAMWORK ACTIVITIES our teammates to direct us . We followed their voices to complete it . Next , we did ‘ Floor Is Lava ’. We had to cross the floor using blocks without falling into the ‘ lava ’. We had eight blocks . We had a strategy where we put the blocks facing forwards , which meant we used less blocks overall . Teamwork helped us achieve success . JAYDEN MILLIE
The ‘ Obstacle Course ’ was the first challenge . The aim was to crawl under a pole , dodge some lines , dodge some more poles , miss the spikes , crawl under some leaves , evade some more circles and finally touch the hand on the ground . It sounds simple , but it isn ’ t . It is not simple because we were actually blindfolded . CASPER BELL
Yesterday my class headed to the gym for a team building incursion . We all sat down in the middle of the gym . The different challenges were explained to us . The first was Islands . We had to pretend the floor was made of lava . The next challenge was an obstacle course . We had to make our way through danger and corners , and crawl under a pole . As we were blindfolded , we had to follow another person ’ s voice who was giving instructions . The
third challenge was ‘ Meteorites ’. Our team had to hold a rope from different ends and in the middle of the rope was a circle . Overall , it was a day filled with positive and successful experiences . We even had some fun . KIRAN BIEN
Recently , our class had an incursion focusing on team building . We were in the gym and had to complete four challenges as a team . The first challenge was the Obstacle Course . We had to complete the course blindfolded and we had to follow the voices of our teammates . It was very difficult but also really , really fun ! We also did the ‘ Meteorites ’ challenge , ‘ Blaze Pods ’, ‘ Spikeball ’ and ‘ Islands ’. We played ‘ Spikeball ’ where we had to bounce a ball on the trampoline . The fourth challenge was ‘ Islands ’ where we had to create a bridge to the other side of the area , so the team could move from one side to the other without touching the ground . In conclusion , the obstacle course was great fun , but very hard . We had a great time doing it . The ‘ Meteorites ’ team building activity was also insanely tricky , but somehow , with skill and teamwork , we made it . NICHOLAS VALMORBIDA www . scotch . vic . edu . au Great Scot 15