A new year brought new hope , with just cause , for a year without interruption to the teaching and learning and to our extracurricular programs . Establishing routine and maintaining social etiquette and kindness among the Middle School students was a priority .
The year started with a sense of calm in the main Quadrangle . With the Upper School students gaining their new House Home rooms , the Quad was owned by the Middle School boys , and peace reigned – at least until the Year 7 boys returned from camp . There they had gained new friends and a sense of confidence which they brought back with them . A slight rise in decibels around the locker area was one of the results of this new sense of belonging .
From the start of the year there has been a sense of joy in the School ; the boys are grateful to have returned to campus and are ready to embrace all the opportunities before them . The Year 8 boys settled back well , enjoying a Dodgeball competition organised by the Middle School Prefects .
They also reflected on the Big Idea of Slavery , a lecture delivered by our Head of History , Dr Mark Johnston , who touched on aspects of the slave trade from Africa , involving England and the Americas and the connection to modern life . The Peer Leaders ( Year 11 students ) led the discussion with the Year 8s reflecting on human rights and current issues of slavery in different parts of the world . More lectures will occur during the year to encourage the Year 8s to broaden their outlook .
This is the fourth year since the restructure of the Middle School , and the physical transformation of the spaces is complete . The calmness within the Quad is one indicator of the success of the restructure . We will always be working on further improvements , but this system works well and is providing good guidance and
care for the boys , and leadership opportunities for the Form Teachers .
The guidance was particularly evident over the last two years when learning took place online , and the Form Teachers were able to transfer their excellent pastoral care work to the online format . There was innovation and a great deal of intuition in dealing with the students in their care .
Tom Batty encouraged the restructure . He could see the potential and the benefits of this new model and provided thoughtful critique and support for my work , and that of my colleagues in moulding the Middle School to its current position .
Tom has encouraged the boys to find their passions and gain confidence . This has filtered through to the Middle School team . Whether it ’ s in the lively discussions around the Form Teacher meetings , when new ideas are put forward and the ideas thrashed out among the team , or during a Middle School Assembly , Tom ’ s guiding hand and thought-provoking questioning have brought a different prospective .
I have been fortunate to have had Tom ’ s support in attending courses to improve my leadership qualities , both as a Head of House and as the Head of Middle School , relating to the growth of Scotch boys . The National Emerging Leaders Program gave me foundations and skills on which to grow my leadership , which Tom fully supported , not by just approving my application and granting me the opportunity to attend , but also by valuing my opinions and in building on my confidence , as he listened and considered the merits of my plans for the Middle School . Tom has been instrumental in developing the Middle School , and I feel it a personal privilege to have worked with him and learnt from him over the past 13 years .
16 Great Scot Issue 165 – April 2022