Governance - Bylaws | Page 9

SECTION 1 . The executive committee shall consist of the state officers and regional directors . The parliamentarian may be invited to attend executive committee meetings without vote .
SECTION 2 . The executive committee shall transact the business of the state organization between meetings of the board of directors in all areas except those specifically reserved in these bylaws to other entities . Specific duties shall be to :
( a ) ensure that the treasurer and other persons entrusted with the handling of funds or property of the state organization be sufficiently bonded ;
( b ) approve the treasurer ' s selection of the bank or banks to be used by the state organization ;
( c ) ensure that a financial review of the treasurer ’ s records is performed and consider the comments and suggestions of the review committee for changes necessary in financial policies ;
( d ) may establish special committees as needed ;
( e ) ratify appointments of standing committees , special committees , and other appointments where approval is required ;
( f ) establish hours the polls shall be open for election of officers , and ensure these are printed in the Call to Convention ;
( g ) report to the board of directors the business transacted by the executive committee since the previous meeting of the board of directors ; and
( h ) if a contract is necessary , recommend the best contract for approval by the Board of Directors .
( i ) may hire an administrative assistant , adopt the job description and set the compensation . This position shall be covered by the bond .
( j ) may hire a wdbmaster , adopt the job description and set the compensation . This position shall be covered by the bond .
SECTION 3 . Meetings of the executive committee shall be held : ( a ) preceding the annual convention and the interim board of directors meeting ; ( b ) when called by the president ; or , ( c ) when called by a majority of the executive committee upon written notice to every member ; and ( d ) meetings may be by teleconference .
( e ) notices for called meetings ( paragraphs b , c , and d ) shall be given in writing through first-class mail at least ten ( 10 ) days prior to the proposed meeting date . This notice must specify the date , time , location and business to be discussed . However , notice may be sent by e-mail and / or telehone so long as each member of the executive committee acknowledges receipt of notice and waives in writing the requirement for written notice of at least ten ( 10 ) days . The waivers signed by the committee should be attached to the minutes of the called meeting .
SECTION 4 . A majority of the voting members shall constitute a quorum for a meeting of the executive committee .
SECTION 5 A vote of the Executive Committee may be taken by mail , facsimile ( fax ), teleconference or e-mail . Such vote shall have the force and effect of a vote taken at a face-to-face meeting . The Secretary ’ s records shall contain an accurate record of all such votes .
SECTION 6 . In the event of a state or national emergency declared by the Governor of Tennessee or the President of the United States which affects Tennessee , the executive committee will set up the machinery to carry on the business of the state organization .
SECTION 1 . The standing committees of the state organization shall be finance , issues management , and membership .
8 June 2013