Governance - Bylaws | Page 10

SECTION 2 . To be eligible to serve as a chair or member of a standing committee , a special committee , special appointee and / or task force , a member must : ( a ) Be a member in good standing and ( b ) Officially and publicly support the state legislative platform
SECTION 3 . Committee chairs and members shall be appointed for a term of one year and may be reappointed . No person shall serve more than three ( 3 ) consecutive years on the same committee . Each committee shall have at least one member from each region of the state .
SECTION 4 . The finance committee shall be composed of a chair and at least two ( 2 ) members in addition to the ex-officio members . A sub-committee on Fundraising shall be appointed with a chair and two members . The President and President-Elect shall serve ex-officio . The Treasurer is a member without vote .
( a ) the members of the finance committee shall be chosen for their financial experience and knowledge .
( b ) perform a financial review of the treasurer ’ s records for the previous term and prepare a report of the findings to be presented to the executive committee meeting before the Interim Board , and to the Interim Board . After the Board of Directors ’ approval of the financial review , the committee will ensure that all proper tax forms are filed
( c ) prepare the annual budget for presentation to the board of directors at the pre-convention board meeting , have general supervision of all expenditures , and assist local organizations in developing sound financial policy and procedures
( d ) the committee will review financial policies and procedures and recommend changes as need arises
SECTION 5 . The foundation committee shall be composed of a chair and at least two ( 2 ) members , with each region of the state having representation on the committee .
( a ) The foundation chair and committee members shall promote interest in and support of the National Business and Professional Women ' s Foundation .
( b ) The foundation committee shall annually prepare and present the foundation program to the state program committee for approval and inclusion in the state program .
SECTION 5 . The Issues Management / Legislation committee shall be composed of a chair , a vice-chair for legislation , and three ( 3 ) members . The three members shall each reside in a different region of the state . The chair or vice-chair shall reside in close proximity to the State Capital .
( a ) It shall be the duty of this committee to plan and implement the program for the current year . The committee shall develop a coordinated program , projects , and activities for the ensuing year in accordance with the objectives of BPW / TN . To this end , the following areas of concentration shall each have a sub-committee with chair appointed : Legislation , Individual Development , Day on the Hill , and Equal Pay . The program platform shall be presented to the Pre-convention Board of Directors for adoption .
( b ) The vice-chair for legislation and that sub-committee shall prepare the legislative platform which shall be the source and insspiration for the program platform . This legislation platform shall be adopted by the convention body .
SECTION 7 . The membership committee shall be composed of a chair and the regional directors . Additional members may be appointed at the discretion of the president . It shall be the duty of the membership committee to promote , expand , stabilize , and orient the membership . In addition , the following areas of concentration shall each have a sub-committee with chair and at least two members appointed : Mentoring and Young Careerist .
SECTION 8 . There shall be a Governance Committee which has the status of a standing committee only in that its chair has a vote on the Board of Directors and in convention . This committee shall handle all business related to bylaws and Handbook .
SECTION 1 . Business and Professional Women , Inc . shall hold an annual state convention , the place and date to be determined by the board of directors .
SECTION 2 . Any member in good standing may register to attend an annual convention but voting shall be limited to accredited delegates who have paid a full registration fee .
9 June 2013