GloPID-R Roadmap for Data Sharing in PHEs | Page 22

ACCESSIBLE: CHALLENGES & POTENTIAL SOLUTIONS D ata pertaining to PHEs should be shared with as few restrictions, either technical or legal, as possible. Providers of data should clearly indicate what, if any, conditions are in place. ACCESSIBLE DATA SHARING PRINCIPLE COMMERCIAL INTERESTS A major barrier to accessible research data sharing highlighted by the case studies related to the involvement of commercial interests. Non- disclosure agreements may restrict researchers’ ability to make data available. Companies may also be reluctant to share negative findings because of commercial implications. Funders can align for further direct dialogue with indus- try partners to enable greater transparency through data-sharing agreements developed for Product Development Partnerships (PDPs) and other public-private partnerships. Where no public-private partnership exists discussion with industry associations may be productive. LEGAL Data transfer from one country to anoth- er must be compliant with national and international regulations. Pre-approved systems for data sharing are need including federated data systems. Anonymisation of data is of high importance and appropriate protocols need to be put in place and assured. TECHNICAL A review of data from published research on pathogens of epidemic and pandemic con- cern (excluding case-reports which by nature provide individual patient data) showed that only 31% of the data were accessible (provided access to all the data underlying the paper, without having to request it from authors) and that 57% of these were as datasets in PDF for- mat (which do not allow for easy data scraping or indexing) within supplementary material 15 . Further use of data sharing platforms would improve open data sharing. 22