Global Scholars Digital March 2016 | Page 4

Winner of Contest, Continued

Progress towards peace from the past until today must be made in valiant strides towards a safer world.

We must teach others how to resolve issues through nonviolent conflict resolution instead of war.

Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. said it best “Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate, only love can do that”

Building the leaders of tomorrow on principles of peace rather than those of xenophobia, racism, sexism and hate will be the start of a better society.

Love and hope in society will lead us to a more peaceful safer environment.

Peace is our state of mind and our safety.

It is feelings of unity and knowing that there is hope for a brighter day.

If we lose the peace, we lose everything.

Because peace is our freedom from the things that disturb our tranquility.

It is our freedom from the things we fear.

Peace unites nations.

Peace provides comfort.

Peace is the product of those founded on the ideals of love and hope.

Peace, hope and love together bring light to a world flooded with darkness.

When the light is given and exchanged from person to person, we glow.

Lighting up the universe.

Growing and flourishing starts when one single individual plants the seed.

When nourished by those who share the mission and creeds of peace, the seeds take root and blossom into something for future generations to grab hold to and know that the efforts of those who came before built a better today for them.

We only have this like to build a better world, to build stronger communities and to let others know they are valued and can build the changes they wish to see.