Global Scholars Digital March 2016 | Page 5

Blood on the Pavement

2nd Place

There’s blood on the pavement.

There’s blood on the pavement and a smoking gun

And everyone’s telling them to run

But they can’t.

They can’t because they’re stuck in a world where the

Right to bear arms is stronger than the

Right to have a mother’s arms wrapped around her child and know that they’re still breathing.

And a school bell rings, But no one’s answering

And the classroom’s empty because there’s

No one to fill the chairs.

But pretty soon they’ll say it’s safe to go back,

Because it’s over, It’s in the past,

But we all know that’s not true.

Because while one madman sits locked up or shot in the head,

Who knows when dozens more will lie dead,

Dead at another’s hands,

Because we couldn’t change in time.

We didn’t change for Sandy Hook or Columbine.

So now before we repeat history,

I’m begging everyone to see that a simple act of compassion could keep any of this from ever happening again.

Don’t try to explain to us how violence will end violence,

Because we all know it just ends with Blood on the pavement.

No more blood on the pavement.

No more.

By: Kate Foley