Global Scholars Digital March 2016 | Page 3

The work of those who came before and sacrificed their lives for all humanity will be in vain

Where will the peace go?

If it does not live in us, it will cease to exist and the world will become a land of anarchy and mass chaos.

The dreams of our ancestors will be overtaken by our selfish desires and wants to be seen in the public eye instead of doing the morally right thing.

The cries of children all around the world will become smoldered by the success of those who benefit from their pain.

The public eye, trained to focus on the irrelevant instead of the genocides occurring right under our noses.

Our denying of our wrongs and the lives taken from ignorance and fear will lead us to be villains in a world that depicts us as the heroes.

The peace, gone.

Those who wish for fame will outnumber those who wish and work for change.

Those who sit on the sidelines and do nothing will discourage the changemakers of tomorrow.

The complacency of humanity will be our downfall and the things that prevent us from peace.

The violent outbreaks will lead us to go to those who serve and protect but they will end up bringing more fear into the hearts of the innocent.

The freedoms we thought we had will be bound in the shackles of times before.

The songs of better days now resonate through the world but will be replaced by the moans and sighs of personified sorrows.

Fear is accompanied by self-doubt and feelings of worthlessness, anger and hate.

Those who let hate, anger and fear rule often times seem to outnumber those who live with the spirits of peace and hope.

The images portrayed in the media that make hate acceptable and understandable must be traded in for a society built upon the principles of peace.

Struggles and hate against black and white cannot become habitual.

Living in fear of other humans who manipulate the trust of vulnerability of others must be discontinued.

Winner of Contest, Continued