The world today as we know it revolves around technology; it’s anywhere and everywhere you go. The internet was the biggest achievement of the world, but it can and is being abused. According to an article posted on CNN, Russia is seeking changes in the international system for Internet governance that may compromise the interest and values of the United States. Iran and North Korea have been developing cyber espionage that may be used in a way to either provoke or destabilize the U.S. Terrorist Organizations are gathering knowledge with the technology for cyber abilities. Cyber-criminal organizations are posing as threats to the trust and integrity of global financial institutions as well as personal financial transactions. Cyber-attacks are number one mainly because of the amount of technology the world owns and can be accessed by someone with a press of a button.
By: Alex Gwin
September 11, 2001, a plane crashed into the Twin Towers. Terrorism is a major threat toward any country. In Syria, Al-Qa’ida groups recruit, instruct, and equip growing numbers of extremists. Iran and Hezbollah defend the Asad regime by sending billions of dollars in military and economic aid. Training their men and deploying them into the country. Mentioned in the Cyber Attack, terrorist groups are gaining intelligence on technology uses. They can and will use the technology for their own goals. That’s why terrorism follows Cyber-Attacks.
Threat #1: Cyber-Attacks
Threat #2: Terrorism
In 2016, there were 998 anti-government militias identified within the US.