Global Relations 1 | Page 71

Today, Ethiopia is scoring tremendous agriculture improvements and aiming at reducing hunger, famine vulnerability, and poverty. Moreover, Ethiopia is one of the fastest growing countries in the world by scoring an average GDP of 7.6% in 2016 and is a partner of the United States in the global war on terrorism.

In conclusion, although it doesn’t seem America is doing anything to help the African continent, it is also important to see the good things that have been done by the American government and people in the African countries.

Ethiopia success

Ethiopia has reduced poverty and improved human development during the past decade, meeting six of the eight Millennium Development Goals by 2015.

*Us Department of State

through the fiscal year 1976, Around $282 million was provided to Ethiopia as a military assistance and $366 million in economic assistance in public health, education, agriculture, and transportation.


America has helped Ethiopia in varying ways. When I was a kid, used to see American wheat, oil, and grains. When I grew up in Ethiopia, roads were built by American’s. The Ethiopian economy is mainly based on agriculture, and Americans have played a big role and provided economic assistance in agriculture, public health, education, and transportation. In addition, there was a three-year, $13 million Food progress program, known as the FEED projects, help by increasing the need and quality of livestock feed, improve yield of meat, milk and eggs.

Work Cited: HERE