Global Link Fall 2013 | Page 2
2 Global Link
Vol. 1 No. 1
Sion Girls Home
South Asia Zone
Seeing is Believing...
Nomelovides Centre
Americas & Carribean Zone
Located in the heart of the busy city
of Mumbai, the Sion Girls Home
provides a haven for 69 girls between
the ages of 7 and 18. The majority of
the girls are court appointed to live
in the care of The Salvation Army.
While living in the home the girls
are able to continue their education,
learn basic life skills and hear how
much God loves and values them.
The Salvation Army has submitted an
application to the local government
to change the status of the home to
an "open" category, which would
allow The Salvation Army to extend
its care to other girls in need of a
safe, loving environment where they
too can flourish.
The girls in this home are grateful for
the long-distance hug and support
they receive from our Sponsorship
donors. ü
Fall 2013, Volume1, Number 1
Published by
The Salvation Army Canada & Bermuda
Territory World Missions Department
2 Overlea Blvd, Toronto, ON M4H 1P4
POSTMASTER: Send address changes to
Publication Name,
2 Overlea Blvd, Toronto, ON M4H 1P4
Legal Disclaimer... © 2013 The Salvation
Army. All rights reserved.
Finding suitable daycare
arrangements is a challenge
everywhere! In Condordia, Uruguay,
The Salvation Army Nomelovides
Centre provides an option for the
families of 17 children. Many of
the children are from single-parent
homes, with the majority raised by
single mothers working in the
market area.
The families have expressed their
thankfulness for the program, saying
that it has been a blessing to know
that their children are not only safe,
but well cared for with a healthy
meal and a basic education. Like
parents everywhere, they want their
children to have better opportunities
than themselves.
From an early age Emilia learned
how to fight. Violence and conflict
was a part of her earliest memories.
Through the patient care and
teaching of the daycare staff, Emilia
and her mother learned new ways to
handle their anger and the problems
of life. The little girl that once was
aggressive toward others has
become a friendly, social butterfly.
When Gustano was born, his
mother knew where she wanted him
to be cared for - at the Nomelovides
daycare that she herself attended 25
years earlier. Both Gustano and his
mother are happy with her choice
as he looks forward to attending the
daycare every day.
In addition to being one of the
daycare centres supported through the Sponsorship program, the centre received
additional funding through the Gifts of Hope program for the purchase of toys that
included a seesaw, puppet theatre, kitchen set, dolls, cars, bikes and blackboards.
Nomelovides translates as "forget-me-not". From the children
and their families - thank you for remembering! ü