Surbaya Boys Home
South Pacific & East Asia Zone
In Indonesia, the Sponsorship program provides nurture and support to orphaned
and vulnerable children living in two Salvation Army children homes. The homes
are something of a contrast, not just with one being for girls and the other for boys,
but that they also reflect the diversity of life and culture in Indonesia.
The bustling capital city of Jakarta is the location of the girls home, while the rural
and somewhat isolated northern area of Sumatra is the location of the Surbaya Boys
Home. Between the two, a total of 83 children are supported through the
Sponsorship program with the children receiving all the essentials they require for
school - uniforms, bags, books, shoes - as well as a fish pond. More than just an
added attraction, th e fish ponds at these homes provide fresh fish for the menu and
an opportunity for the homes to earn an income as they sell the fish not served at
their table in the local market. We wish we could share a taste of the fish - but on
behalf of the children, their families and the staff - thank you for ensuring that these
"loaves and fishes" are multiplied. ü
A World of Good
Last year, you helped provide:
• 20 Donkeys and Donkey carts for
impoverished families in Pakistan
• Essential medical supplies for a clinic in
• 600 malaria-fighting mosquito nets in
• Health care training for 80 individuals in
rural villages in Kenya
• Lunch for 1,400 children through a
school feeding program in Malawi
• Goats and animal management training
for 60 orphans and vulnerable children in
• Basic Health care for 2,557 mothers and
children in 64 communities in Pakistan
• Greenhouse garden training for 400
people in Bolivia, now benefitting from
better nutrition and health from the crops
they grow
• Clean water for 600 people in the
Maquela do Zombo community in Angola
• Food for over 650 families in droughtaffected areas in Zimbabwe
These are only a few of the things The
Salvation Army Canada & Bermuda
Territory is doing around the world,
thanks to your generous support.
Impacting children & changing lives
Africa Zone
In almost every country in Africa,
the HIV-AIDS epidemic has resulted
in hundreds of thousands of orphans.
Zambia is no different. By 2013,
Zambia is likely to have more than one
million orphans under the age of 15.
Making a difference in the life of even
one orphan is significant. Our
Sponsorship Program in Zambia is
impacting 65. By paying for basic
school fees, uniforms, books, shoes
and Bibles, it ensures that each of the
orphans receive the education they
need to create better choices as they
approach adulthood.
In addition to basic school supplies, the
Sponsorship program cares for the whole
child. The loss of one or both parents is
devastating. Salvation Army volunteers visit
the children to provide a listening ear, teach
them about issues important for their daily
lives and offer a chance to set aside their
worries for a little while and be children
again by playing games.
Supplementing the Sponsorship program
with available funds through the Gifts
of Hope campaign, a goat bank program
provides five goats to 20 families, who
have taken an orphan into their care. This
small herd will provide milk and over time,
income for the families, which will make
paying school fees much easier. ü
If you want to embrace children in
Salvation Army programs & institutions
through the Sponsorship Program,
please call 416-422-6224 or email
[email protected]