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Aging Made Easy ?
By Dorie U . Sugay
Dorie Sugay is the Executive Director of Visiting Angels , a company that provides living-assistance services to seniors and adults-in-need who wish to stay in their own home or receive one-on-one care within a facility .
46 with an Attitude
This article is for informational and educational purposes only . It was written independent of Visiting Angels .
G I L R O Y T O D A Y S P R I N G 2 0 1 4
Are we really living longer than previous generations ? The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention ’ s ( CDC ) latest release indicates that the average life expectancy is now at 78.7 years . David Cutler , the Otto Ekstein Professor of Applied Economics at Harvard University , made this encouraging comment , “ People are living to older ages and we are adding healthy years , not debilitated ones .” The data was based on an 18-year study involving 90,000 people . The study was not designed to address the reasons for the extended period of senior healthiness these days , but it recognizes that medical innovations play a major role .
Medical breakthroughs continue to amaze us . Already , this year , scientists are working on bionic eyes for restoring sight in people with severe eye disease . This technology will also be used to help those with macular degeneration , a leading cause of blindness in our country .
The re-engineering and re-introduction of genes is showing promise in treating patients with leukemia and other blood cancers , a technique which has already reversed breast cancer development in mice . The University of Illinois is developing “ biobots ” which are powered by heart cells to quickly deliver medications to targeted areas of the body . After a heart attack , inflammatory cells known as monocytes rush to the damaged tissue , causing the heart to swell , reducing its ability to pump blood , causing more damage to the heart . Illinois Northwestern University , working with the University of Sydney , developed a substance that attracts the monocytes , sends it a signal that causes it to redirect itself to the spleen , which disposes dead cells . Approved by the FDA , it is to be used also in the treatment of diabetes and breast cancer .
People with joint problems such as osteoarthritis find themselves taking a lot of medication , which affects their whole body . Researchers at the University of Delaware are investigating whether a drug-containing gel can be used to deliver medication that would help regenerate damaged tissue , a gel that can be injected into their joint and which could administer medication as needed . Recently celebrity Angelina Jolie announced an aggressive move to protect herself from breast cancer . New genomic-based tests being developed can help avoid unnecessary “ to-besafe ” treatments . These tests are expected to analyze genes in a patient ’ s tumor and predict the aggressiveness of cancer . Medical breakthroughs have and will continue to deserve some credit for extending lives .
While encouraged by studies that show that our generation lives longer and healthier , there is concern . CDC reports that obesity and diabetes will make aging rougher for others . We enjoy advanced medical technology . The Internet makes it easier for us to acquire information that can help us with our health goals . Medical technology has come a long way , but timing is critical !
I chose to title this article , “ Aging Made Easy ” for two reasons . First , to remind you that being healthy makes aging easier . If you don ’ t want a mechanical lift used to move you from your bed to your chair , maintain a healthy weight and exercise so you can move about on your own . That makes aging easier on your body and your pride . If you want to stay active , take care of your heart . You get the idea .
I also wanted to mention people right here in Gilroy who have chosen to age more easily . They are not celebrities ; they did not spend enormous amounts of money to accomplish their goals ; they are people you can meet in downtown Gilroy , specifically , at Net Fitness , if you need to see a live inspiration .
First , there ’ s Jack , a champion bench presser in his younger days . In his 80s , Jack is still bench pressing ! Then there ’ s Susan , a successful Realtor who decided it was time to get serious about health . With the help of Net Fitness owner Ricardo Espinosa , within a month she lost ten pounds and is walking 1.5