Tennis complex named for retired faculty member Susan Dodd
In honor of her many years of dedicated service to the college , the Gavilan College Board of Trustees named the tennis complex for Kinesiology and Athletics instructor Susan Dodd , who retired in 2013 .
A bronze plaque was placed which reads : “ Susan Dodd served the students and community of Gavilan College from 1976 to 2013 as an instructor , coach , and administrator . A true pioneer , she was Gavilan ’ s first female athletic director , and was one of only two women directors in the California Community College system at that time . During her career , she developed and coached programs in women ’ s volleyball , basketball , and softball , and coached men ’ s tennis , football , and baseball . She spent many years as a leader of the Gilroy Tennis Club and was instrumental in the restoration of Gavilan ’ s tennis complex . Her leadership has made a lasting impact .”
CAPTION : A dedication ceremony was held in September . Gavilan College Trustee Kent Child and President Steve Kinsella presented a plaque to Susan . Speakers included Marco Renella , President , Director , & Founder of the Gilroy Tennis Club Charitable Trust , and Gavilan College Trustee Mark Dover .
SAVE THE DATE : April 25 , 2014 , for Sowing Seeds , Nurturing Dreams , a wine and food gala with silent auction benefiting Gavilan College students . For information : gavilan . edu / pio / foundation / index . html or email : pio @ gavilan . edu .
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